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Sutherland from Zorra, though to your ignorant Scottish ear that means nothing, but to every intelligent Canadian, Zorra stands for all that's finest in brain and brawn in Canada." "And it takes both to play the pipes, eh, Sutherland?" said the M.P.P. "Oh aye, but mostly wind," said the piper. "Just like politics, eh, Mr. Patterson?" said the Reverend Harper Freeman.

Right here a devil entered in unto Saunders McClellan the mocking devil whose mission it was to abase Zorra to the dust. But it did not make its presence known until, next day, Saunders carried the news of Elder McCakeron's retaliation to Cap'en McKay's pig-killing.

He went into the temple of the city of Zorra and stood some time there alone: all the priests kneeled to him when he came away. He cared less and less for the things we care about, for the affairs of Shap, the business-man in London. He began to despise the man with a royal contempt.

Indeed, it was to the friendly shadows which shrouded it, day or dark, that Cap'en McKay a man wise in affairs of the heart by reason of much sailing in and out of foreign ports afterward attributed the record which Timmins set Zorra in courting. "He couldna see her bones, nor her his bow-legs," the mariner phrased it.

"Hecks, lad!" he commented, on Timmins's dole, "I'd advise ye to drive your pigs til anither market." "Were?" Timmins asked "w'ere'll I find one?" "That's so." The mariner thoughtfully shaved his jaw with a red forefinger, while his comprehensive glance took in the other's bow-legs. "There isna anither lass i' Zorra that wad touch ye with a ten-foot pole."

"Get it, Tim, then," said Mack eagerly, "and we will have a little practise at it, for throw I must, and I have no wish to bring discredit on my country, for it will be a big day. They will be coming from all over. The Band of the Seventh is coming out and Piper Sutherland from Zorra will be there." "A piper!" echoed Cameron. "Is there much pipe playing in this country?"

It was a master stroke of diplomacy that resulted in the securing for the hammer-throwing contest the redoubtable and famous Duncan Ross of Zorra, who had at first disdained the bait of the Maplehill Dominion Day picnic, but in some mysterious way had at length been hooked and landed.

Janet's labor's no going to waste. An' if you were the on'y man i' Zorra, it wad behoove me to conseeder the lassie's prospects i' the next world. Ye're a Methodist." "Meanin'," said Timmins, when his mind had grappled with the charge, "as there's no Methodists there?"

The music was to be furnished by the Band of the Seventh from London and by no less a distinguished personage than Piper Sutherland himself from Zorra, former Pipe Major of "The old Forty-twa." The discovery of another piper in Cameron brought joy to the secretary's heart, who only regretted that an earlier discovery had not rendered possible a pipe competition.

But be this as it may, whether or no each made love to a voice, Cupid ran a swift course with them, steeplechasing over obstacles that would have taken years for a Zorra lad to plod around.