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A narrow nature cannot see absurdity in what it loves, but Zilda's nature was not narrow. She had learnt to love little Gilby in a fond, deep, silent way that was her fashion of loving. He had explained to her the principles of ventilation and why he disliked close waiting-rooms. Zilda could not make her father learn the lesson, but it bore fruit afterwards when she came into power.

From higher levels of taste he would have been seen to be, in external notions, a common little man, but from Zilda's standpoint, even in matters of outward taste he was an ideal; and Zilda, placed as she was, quickly perceived, what those who looked down upon him might not have discovered, that the heart of him was very good.

'I will give you a watch, Zilda, he said, 'a gold watch; you will like that. 'No, monsieur. Zilda's face was flushed and her head was high in the air. 'I will give you a ring; you would like that a golden ring. 'No, monsieur; I would not like it at all. Gilby retired from the discussion that day feeling some offence and a good deal of consternation.

When it was poor she cried, 'Non, ce n'est pas comme ça, and she came out from the doorway and showed them how to do it. Her imitation was very good indeed, and excited much laughter. This showed that Zilda had been waked into greater vivacity. Six months before she could not have done so good a piece of acting. Zilda's exhibition would go further than this.

There were other voices besides Gilby's to rail; there were other voices besides Zilda's to explain the disaster. In the midst of the babel Zilda slipped away to make muffins hastily for Gilby's breakfast.

Even after she had placed him on the car, he kept up an air of offence for a long time just because she had proved her strength to be so much greater than his own. His little rudenesses of this sort did not disturb Zilda's tranquillity in the least. Gilby sat on the low platform of the hand-car. He looked like a bantam cock whose feathers were much ruffled.

Zilda worked at the handles of the machine; she was very large and strong, all her attitudes were statuesque. The May day beamed on the flat spring landscape through which they were travelling; the beam found a perfect counterpart in the joy of Zilda's heart. So she brought Gilby safely to the hotel and installed him in the best room there. The sprain was a very bad one.