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"Yes!" assented Babe eagerly, kicking Casey in the stomach. "Give me your knife, Casey Wyan, so I can cut off one ear an' make you lop-sided!" "An' you'd do it, too!" Casey exclaimed admiringly. "Baby Girl, you interrupted mother when mother was speaking of something important. You make mother very sad." Babe's mouth puckered, her eyelids puckered, and she give a small wail. "Now Baby's sad!

I c'n see it, plain enough, but I got more sense 'n to think I'll ever git m'hands on it." "I'll go catch your wainbow, Casey Wyan. I'll run fas' as I can, an' I'll catch it for you!" "Will yuh, Babe?" Casey bent his head until his lips touched her curls. And neither Casey nor the Little Woman spoke of it again. Oddly enough, it was Lucy Lily who unconsciously brought Casey to his rainbow.

He's my frien'. I have to give him his 'bacco," Babe defended herself, coming down from the location monument in small jumps and scrambles. Close to her importantly heaving chest she clutched a small, red tobacco can of the kind which smokers carelessly call "P.A." "Casey Wyan lost it up in the wocks," Babe explained, when her mother met her disapprovingly and caught her by the hand. "Why, Babe!

As "wyan" means a skin, it is not improbable that the word Chipewyan means tapering or "pointed" skin, referring, of course, to the peculiar garb of the Athapuskow Indians when the Crees first met with them. The sites of old posts are to be found all over this region; but Chipewyan in the beginning of the last century was the great supply and trading-post of the North-West Company.

The Little Woman stood up, looking that way, never dreaming how wishfully Casey was watching her, and how reverently. "Baby Girl, you must not run off like that! Mother will be compelled to tie a rope on you." "I was jes' getting Casey Wyan's 'bacco. Poor Casey Wyan forgot his 'bacco!

You've been naughty. This must be Casey Ryan's location notice. It must be left in the rocks, Baby Girl, so people will know that Casey Ryan owns this claim." "It's his 'bacco!" Babe insisted stubbornly. "Casey Wyan needs his 'bacco." The Little Woman knew that streak of stubbornness of old. There was just one way to deal with it, and that was to prove to Babe that she was mistaken.

I guess I'm nothin' but a rough-neck stagedriver an' prospector, clear into the middle of my bones. If I had the sense of a rabbit I never'd gone hellin' through life the way I've done. I'd amount to somethin' by now. As it is I ain't nothin' and I ain't nobody " "You're Casey Wyan! You make me sad when you say that!"