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Wrottesley, 'Jane's shortcomings in this respect are due to the fact that she is lamentably unaffected. Affectation, in the case of girls who ride straight and don't know what it is to have a headache, very often takes the form of boyishness. Let us console ourselves with the fact that, being perfectly natural, Jane has escaped masculinity.

'I hear, said Canon Wrottesley, when Miss Sherard had begun to play a left-handed game of croquet with the crippled young man, 'that Sir Nigel is going to ride at the Sedgwick Races. I was a fearless horseman myself at one time, so I cannot quarrel with him for his decision, but I only hope that his hand will be healed by the 24th.

It is doubtful if any man was ever more happily placed than was Canon Wrottesley in the considerable village of which he was the esteemed vicar. In a larger place he might have been overlooked, in spite of his many excellent qualities; and in a smaller one he would not have had so many social advantages nor so many opportunities for usefulness.

'I think I must go back to the house and finish the guild work, said Mrs. Wrottesley. 'I have been very slow over it this morning, but I have got a little headache, and I have been counting up everything wrong, which is very stupid of me. 'How often have I told you not to work when you are tired? said the canon, shaking his finger reprovingly at her.

'I have had my letters addressed here for the last two days, said Mrs. Wrottesley. The canon rose from his chair and began to pace up and down the room. 'I don't know what people will say, he said, his forehead knitted into a frown and his fingers impatiently letting off small pistol-shots against his palm.

Wrottesley remained at Hulworth until her patient was better, and then the good-hearted canon joined her there for a few days and was altogether charming to poor little Mrs. Avory, who liked him far better than she liked his wife. Toffy went up to London to join Peter Ogilvie and to take ship for Argentine, and Peter went to say good-bye to Jane Erskine.

She found herself at tea-time sitting next Canon Wrottesley, whose patriarchal mood seemed to her unnecessarily affected, and she requested him to ask Miss Sherard to come and speak to her. 'Kitty amuses me, she said, with one of her characteristic shrugs, 'and most people are so dull, are they not? Canon Wrottesley felt that mixed sensation which association with Mrs.

Wrottesley was having a few uninterrupted days in which to do her work, without calls upon her to come and admire Canon Wrottesley. The story was received very quietly by her. She sat a full minute without saying anything at all, and then she finished counting the blankets. When that useful task was over Mrs. Wrottesley began to speak.

A long coarse valley runs from this latter object in a N.E. direction to the region W. of Bohnenberger. Santbech contains a prominent central peak. BIOT. A brilliant little ring-plain, scarcely more than 7 miles in diameter, standing in an isolated position in the Mare Foecunditatis N.E. of Wrottesley.

'I tried small ones first, but it was not a bit of good, said Peter later, with compunction. Jane stirred sleepily, and flung her heavy brown hair upon the pillow. This was probably some nonsense on the part of a young Wrottesley, and Jane was not going to be taken in by it.