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It's an Irish one with a complete menagerie of animals." "And some of the rest of us will provide the linen," added Mrs. Worden, who was a famous housekeeper. "My dear ladies, your sex is really the backbone of ours and not the missing rib," said the bishop who, when he was genuinely touched, often relapsed into his native humor. "But what shall we call the boat?

It may do well enough to have societies to keep them in view, but a meeting in London is quite near enough ever to approach them." Such, ever after, appeared to be the sentiments of the Rev. Mr. Worden, and I took no pains to change them. I ought, however, to have alluded to the parting with Anneke, before I gave the foregoing extract from the parson's homily.

Manson, and a little later on you'll understand why. This land, for instance, between us and the river, is vacant." Manson's eye slowly traversed the two hundred yard width of the open field that lay just south of the road. It was perhaps half way between the rapids and the center of the village. "Yes, I think Worden owns it, but I know that no one wants it."

Worden, in no affected consternation. "The supper a victim, do you say?" "Yes, sir; to be frank at once, it is gone; gone to a pullet, a steak, and a potatoe. They have not left us a dish!" "They!" echoed the parson "And who can they be?"

Worden, and Dirck, were together in the public-room, making some arrangement with the confused body of the settlers, who had crowded into the Nest, for the night-watch. I shall not stop to express the delight I felt at finding Anneke there; nor was it in any degree diminished, as I met the soft expression of her sweet eyes, and saw the blushes that suffused her cheek.

I have always admired the decorous and spiritual manner in which the Rev. Mr. Worden entered a building that had been consecrated to the services of the Deity. I know not how to describe it; but it proved how completely he had been drilled in the decencies of his profession.

The foreigners were much interested in Admiral Worden, who commanded the Monitor in the critical iron-clad fight. A quorum of the Senate was present, with their burly President, David Davis, and there were not a few Representatives, including Messrs. Kasson and Hiscock, the rival candidates for the Speakership. Senators Cameron, Bayard, Voorhees, and Butler were accompanied by their daughters.

Worden, is within a few hours' journey of us, and the families of the vicinity are coming to us, frightened and weeping. I do not know that I feel much alarmed, myself; my great dependence is on a merciful Providence; but, the dread Being on whom I rely, works through human agents; and, I know of none in whom I can place more confidence, than on Guert Ten Eyck. "By St. Nicholas!

Admirable women were these, staunch and loyal, the helpmates of men through lonely years that had passed in St. Marys. But too often the men did not realize this till the shadows lengthened. "She'll be a messenger, won't she?" said Mrs. Worden. "Of hope and comfort, if I can make her so," he answered gently. "I can regularly reach places now that it was very hard to get at before."

I'd like to find a way to break up his friendship with that crowd." Bronson was willing to accompany Merry, and they followed the boisterous young men down Sixth Avenue some distance. Finally the boys disappeared into a cigar store. "Hanged if they haven't gone into Spice Worden's!" said Bronson. "Who is Spice Worden?" "The proprietor of a gambling house.