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"Ryngalla poisoned the prince, and the hermit gave me absolution." "Then in Tyniec, the abbot will absolve you from this vow also. The abbot is greater than a hermit." "I don't want absolution!" Macko stopped and asked with evident anger: "Then how will it be?" "Go to Witold yourself, because I shall not go." "You knave! And who will bow to the king? Don't you pity my bones?"

The young wlodyka Zbyszko was impetuous; therefore a desire immediately seized him, to show in some way that love and the faithfulness of a knight; to accomplish some deed for her; to rush somewhere, to conquer some one and to risk his own life for it all. "I had better go with Kniaz Witold," he said to himself, "because how can I serve the holy lady, if there is no war here."

Then they threatened him with war, without really intending it, because they well knew that the grand master and the chapter were terribly afraid of Jagiello's forces, and were anxious to avert the day of wrath and calamity. All their schemes were broken like cobwebs, especially with Prince Witold. The evening after Hlawa's arrival, fresh news reached Warsaw.

The prince said: 'I will give myself a dispensation, and the pope, if not the one in Home, then the one in Avignon, will confirm it, but I must marry her immediately otherwise I will burn up! It was a great offence against God, but Witold did not dare to oppose him, because he did not want to displease the embassador and so there was a wedding.

"Prince Witold, they say, is a powerful prince, even the German emperor bows to him; and what did they do to his children? Have they but few castles? Few underground prisons? Few wells? Few ropes and halters for the neck?" "For the living God's sake!" exclaimed Macko.

He was a descendant of the Piasts of Szlonsk and the son of Bolko, Prince of Opole. Zbyszko had heard of him at the court of Witold; and now while standing behind the princess and Danusia, he recognized the archbishop by his abundant hair which being curled, made his head look like a kropidlo.

Skirwoilla and the most notable princes and nobles were already Christians, because they followed the example of Jagiello and Witold. Others even among the common and uncivilized warriors felt in their hearts that the death-knell of the old world and religion had sounded.

Meantime when at the diet in Wilno the ties between the Poles and Lithuanians were strengthened, it acted like poison in the hearts of the Knights of the Cross. It was easy to foresee that Jagiello as the supreme lord of all the lands under the command of Prince Witold, would stand at his side in time of war.

Jagienka who had left her room, to watch in the courtyard before their arrival, rushed toward Hlawa before he dismounted. "Where is Macko?" she asked, with beating heart and alarmed. "He went to Prince Witold, and he ordered you to stay here." When Jagienka realized the import of Macko's message, that she was to remain at Spychow, she was almost stunned.

"Even if a tree should fall on your bones, it would not crush them; and even if I pity you, I will not go to Witold." "What will you do then? Will you turn rybalt or falconer at the Mazowiecki court?" "It's not a bad thing to be a falconer. But if you would rather grumble than to listen to me, then grumble." "Where will you go? Don't you care for Bogdaniec?