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"Then we are safe; but the silver pitcher must be forthcoming." "The fellows will all be glad enough to get out of this scrape by paying ten shillings." "Very well; then every one of them must sign an order on Mr. Lowington for ten shillings, payable to Dr. Winstock," added Pelham. "They will do it. Are you sure nothing has leaked out?"

Winstock, as the steamer stopped her wheels. "A famous wine is also made here. It is said that Charlemagne, seeing from his castle windows, near Mayence, how early the snow disappeared from the heights below us, ordered vines from France to be set out here; and from these vines is produced the noted Rüdesheimer wine.

Sissie, who returned home by a curious coincidence on the very day that Mimi Winstock was transferred to Charlie's service in the Grand Babylon, performed what she called 'secretarial stunts' for her father as and when required.

"It was Miss Winstock who asked me what I'd done with my necklace. I put my hand to my throat, and it was gone. It must have come undone." "Didn't you say to me a fortnight or so ago that the little safety-chain had gone wrong?" "Did I?" said Eve, innocently. "Did you have the safety-chain repaired?" "I was going to have it done to-morrow.

As these gentlemen have not been formally introduced, the "faculty" of the ship is here presented: Robert Lowington, Principal. Rev. Thomas Agneau, Chaplain. Dr. Edward B. Winstock, Surgeon. John Paradyme, A.M., Greek and Latin. Richard Modelle, Reading and Grammar. Charles C. Mapps, A.M., Geography and History. James E. Fluxion, Mathematics. Abraham Carboy, M.D., Chemistry and Nat. Phil.

Winstock ventured the remark, that Dutch husbands must be the most miserable men in the world, since it could not but be painful to be so excruciatingly nice. The proprietor of the house had about half an acre of land, which constituted his garden. It was laid out with winding walks and fanciful plats of ground, filled with the richest-hued flowers.

Winstock had heard quite enough on the subject, and it was a great relief to him when the dinner-bell rang. At this moment three times three rousing cheers came over the water from the Josephine. It was not difficult to determine the occasion of this demonstration; but Mr.

"This is Boppart, a very old place, occupied by the Romans," said Dr. Winstock, as the steamer made a landing. "You have noticed that the shelf of land on each side of the river, grows wider and the hills are farther from the stream. Between this point and Bingen, the Rhine makes its passage through the mountains.

"Are you hurt, Little?" demanded Mr. Lowington, rushing forward when he discovered what had happened. "Yes, sir; almost killed," groaned the poor boy, making the wryest face a boy ever made, and twisting himself into a contortion of body which none but an India-rubber youth like himself could have accomplished. "Pass the word for Dr. Winstock," added the principal, anxiously.

I don't see how he could survive the exposure of the simple fact that while preaching anti-waste he is keeping motor-cars in the names of young women." The car had stopped in front of a shop over whose door a pair of gilded animals like nothing in zoology were leaping amiably at each other. Miss Winstock began to search neurotically in a bag for a handkerchief.