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Clark stared straight in front of him at a bolt on the clattering wind-shield. "Sally Carrol," he said with a curious intensity, "don't you 'like us?" "What?" "Us down here?" "Why, Clark, you know I do. I adore all you boys." "Then why you gettin' engaged to a Yankee?." "Clark, I don't know. I'm not sure what I'll do, but well, I want to go places and see people. I want my mind to grow.

After that came an orange or two contributed by some one whose position was strategically close to the fruit-vender's cart and at last a sounder missile struck and shivered the wind-shield. For just a moment the situation had a precarious seeming for the reviled young master of finance, and Paul's delicate face blanched a little.

He engaged the first one, tacking under it and firing from a distance of ten meters. But the adversary answered his fire, and Guynemer's machine was hit: the right-hand rear longitudinal spar was cut, the cable injured, the right forward strut also cut, and the wind-shield shattered.

And should he confess to an affair with a wind-shield in a motor accident, ask him what happened to the study window in the house at Ninety-fifth Street." Impish glee danced in the woman's eyes. "Your handiwork, dear friend?" "A mere beginning.... You may tell him so, if you like." He was subjected to a convulsive squeeze. "Never have I felt so kindly disposed toward an enemy!"

The car, which, owing to the intense heat, had no wind-shield, was driven by the Annamite chauffeur, the American, a double-barrel loaded with bird-shot across his knees, sitting beside him on the front seat.

In spite of the fact that the streets were like glass from the driving rain, and the wind-shield a gray blur, in spite of the fact that a tire went flat on a rear wheel, that decrepit old taxi rose to the occasion and made the transit in record time. Arrived at the station, Quin thrust a bill into the driver's hand and dashed down the steps to the lower level.

"Little Doll, now I got you! And we understand one another, don't we, Doll?" "Yes, Jimmie." She leaned back, quiescent, nor did his hold of her relax. A fairy etching of snow whitened the windows and wind-shield, and behind their security he leaned closer until she could feel the breath of his smile. "Doll, we sure understand each other, don't we, sweetness? Eh? Answer me, sweetness, don't we? Eh?

They turned slowly around in the narrow road and when they again faced the west, the rain came beating furiously down against the wind-shield so that the road ahead was barely visible. Never had she seen such blinding sheets of water. It tore at the roof, it whipped about the curtains, it threatened to engulf them all in a torrential flood.

On the night of the murder I saw that the chassis was twisted and the axle broken, but I had not noticed what that jolting crash had done to the body of the car. The steering rod was broken and the cushions were caked with mud. One wheel sagged at a drunken angle like a lop-ear and the wind-shield was nothing but a mangled frame.

He was flung up and sideways. For a moment his monoplane fell nearly edgewise with her nose down, and seemed to hesitate whether to overset altogether. He stood on his wind-shield, wrenching the wheel that swayed up over his head. And then the shock of the second explosion took his machine sideways.