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Whyland already on the ground. Nor was she alone. Two or three other ladies were chatting with her on minor topics, and before all of these had gone others arrived to take their places. Not a moment did he spend with her alone; briefly, it was her "day."

Do you think any the worse of him for that?" Whyland had come to fetch the men and to show them his model farm. They spent the forenoon in going over this expensive place. Bond gave vent to all the "oh's" and "ah's" that indicate the perfect visitor. Abner took their host's various amateurish doings in glum silence.

Medora, unconscious that her precious little seed had fallen, after all, on stony ground, turned toward Abner with a smile an intent, observing one. "Did Mrs. Whyland speak to you about her 'evening'?" "Her evening? What evening?" "There, I knew she wouldn't dare. You frightened her almost to death." "What do you mean?"

"And we may be able to come to some agreement, after all," he added, in reference to the tax-levy. "We are not likely to agree," said Abner gloomily. Whyland went on, just a trifle dashed. Abner presently came to further knowledge of him his wealth, position, influence, activity and hardened his heart against him the more.

And, "Remember!" she said to Abner, as she drove away. Medora was delighted. She saw two steps into the future. Abner should call on Mrs. Whyland. And he should read from his own works at Mrs. Whyland's house. Why not? He read with much justness and expression; he was thoroughly accustomed to facing an audience.

I needed the goods and bought them low, so that it was all right. But Whyland turned me over to Frank Thurber. Frank is the politician of the concern; the greenback, anti-monopoly, mugwump man!

The Whylands were also of those who climbed the granite steps. Mrs. Whyland had required a little urging, as on some previous occasions. "I hope you won't make difficulties," her husband had said. "Mrs. Pence is a nice enough woman, as women go; and since my new relations with her husband...." "Well, if you think it necessary," she returned resignedly.

Everything, thus far, had been most seemly, most decorous, full of a pleasant informality and a friendly, trustful goodwill; but the crucial point, he had read, always came about supper-time, after which the rout turned into an orgy. Dr. Gowdy came across and launched himself upon Abner, just as he had done before, when Mrs. Whyland had first made them acquainted.

"The country people?" interrupted Whyland quickly, with a stare. Never more than when among his cattle and poultry was he moved to draw contrasts between the security of his possessions in the country and the insecurity of his possessions in town. "What I am thinking of is the city tax-payer.

He loomed up impressively in his frock-coat and steel-gray scarf, and nobody, as in the satiric East, was heard to comment on his lack of conformity with the customs of "society." "Tkh!" said Whyland. "You have come again without your overcoat, they tell me."