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"I liked everything about Captain Foster, but I don't understand this." "Oh, you will tho, old man," said Cleary. "I've found out this morning that it's the same thing all through the army and navy here. They're hardly any of them on speaking terms. If it isn't one thing it's another. It's the Whoppington fashion, that's all.

There is the Government that makes everything go. There's no business there to speak of; no manufacturing, no agriculture in the country round nothing to distract your attention but the power of the Administration that lies behind all the rest. Just think what this country would be without Whoppington! Just imagine the capital city sinking into the ground and what would we all do?

I'm sorry you couldn't come to see me there, but I had to be here this week looking after election matters in my district. In Whoppington all the hotels are full of contractors and men looking for commissions in the army, and promoters and investors, all with an eye to the Cubapines. You can just see how the war has brought prosperity!"

I wish you could have heard my speech on the war-tax bill it covered that point. My, how this war is costing, tho! A million dollars a day! But it's well worth it. The more money we spend and the higher the taxes, the more circulation there is. You ought to see how things are booming at Whoppington.

Cleary had been ordered to return by his newspaper, and had taken passage in a passenger steamer for the first of May. "Why can't you come with me?" he said to Sam. "You're entitled to a leave of absence, and when you get to Whoppington you can apply for some other berth."

"I should have liked to see Whoppington very much," said Sam, "but I suppose I must wait till I come back. It must be very different from other cities. You must feel there as if you were at the center of things at the very mainspring of all our life, I mean." "You've hit the nail on the head," said his uncle. "Whoppington holds up all the rest of the country.

I see something of it in Whoppington when I'm attending Congress. It distributes the money of the country and circulates it among the people. I like to see the amount increase every year. It's a healthy sign. I'm trying to get some more for Reddy. It helps the county just that much. Swan, the hotel man, spends it here. I believe in protecting home industries and fostering our home market.

"Come, Sam," said Cleary, "I'm a civilian now, and I'm not going to have you crow over us. How about Captain Peters, who was the pet of Whoppington and cleaned out the Deer Harbor fund?" Sam walked on in silence. "See here," said Foster, "I'm tired of going on foot. Let's take a cab. Here, you fellow!" A two-wheeled wagon with an awning, drawn by a small, shaggy horse, drew up before them.

"The Court at Whoppington has just allowed prize-money to the officers and men for sinking those ships," said Cleary. "They didn't get as much as they wanted, but it's a good round sum." "I'm glad they will get some remuneration for their hard work," said Sam. "Do you see that native sloop over there?" said Cleary. "She's a pirate boat we caught down in the archipelago.

There were few passengers who interested him, but he became acquainted with one man of note, a Porsslanese literatus, who was attached to the legation at Whoppington, and sat on the other side of the captain of the steamer at meals. This gentleman, who bore the name of Chung Tu, was greatly interested in military matters and listened to Sam's accounts by the hour.

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