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And Mahbub stared deliberately at the Englishman, who stared as deliberately at Kim, quivering and tongue-tied. 'My horse is well trained, said the dealer. 'Others would have kicked, Sahib. 'Ah, said the Englishman at last, rubbing his pony's damp withers with his whip-butt. 'Who makes the boy a soldier? 'He says the Regiment that found him, and especially the Padre-sahib of that regiment.

"What do you take this for an afternoon readin'-circle?" he demanded. "If you're goin' to start your hoss in this thirty-four class you want to get harnessed. We're here to trot hosses, not to peruse dockyments." "This 'ere ain't no pome on spring," yelled Marengo, banging the dust out of the floor with his whip-butt and courageously coming up one step on the stairs.

You there, the one that ain't crazy, what's this thing you're teaming round?" the farmer demanded, addressing Farr. "In this case I am not my brother's keeper," stated the young man. "Well, where is his keeper, then? He needs one." He walked around Chick and rudely rapped his whip-butt on the breastplate.

The tall horse galloped down the hill, but the Colonel stood up, and, with elbows akimbo and hands under his chin, yanked the animal to a standstill, his splay feet skating through the highway dust. The Colonel leaped over the wheel and reversed his heavy whip-butt. The Cap'n stood up, gripping a stout cudgel that he had been whittling at for many hours.

Over one or two that fell in the pack the train worried and fought, with sharp yelps and growls, until the last fragment had been torn to pieces and disappeared. Afterward the storm-bound trio drank tea and ate pemmican, still fighting back the pack. West laid open the nose of one in an ugly cut with the iron-bound end of his whip-butt. Perhaps he was not wholly to blame.

It did Oliver Vyell good, riding in, to slash twice crosswise on the brute's bandaged face; to feel the whalebone bite and then, as he swung out of saddle, to ram fist and whip-butt together on the ugly mouth, driving in its fore-teeth. "Stop the horse, some one!" he commanded, as the Beadle reeled back. "She has fainted." He added, "The first man that interferes, I shoot." The crowd growled.

For the day came when Mulcachy rapped the chair with his whip-butt, when the attendant through the bars jabbed the iron fork into Ben Bolt's ribs, and when Ben Bolt, anything but royal, slinking like a beaten alley-cat, in pitiable terror, crawled over to the chair and sat down in it like a man. He now was an "educated" tiger.