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Flucker brought it to her, she put her hand on his shoulder, got slowly up, and stood on the creepie and adjusted the focus of her glass; after a short view, she said to Flucker: "Rin and see the nook." She then leveled her glass again at the swimmer. Flucker informed her the nook said "half eleven" Scotch for "half past ten." Christie whipped out a well-thumbed almanac.

Rousseau fired the heart and inspired the brain of Thomas Paine to write the pamphlet, "Common-sense," which, more than any other one influence, brought about the American Revolution. Jefferson especially was fascinated by Rousseau, and in his library was a well-thumbed copy of the "Social Contract." marked and re- marked on page and margin.

In that same year, a correspondent, in Wisconsin, writing to the "Sunday Times" of this city, inquired where the book could be procured, and was answered that he could find it at the old bookstore, No. 85 Centre Street, if anywhere. Thus, after a search of many weeks, the Western bibliopole succeeded in obtaining a well-thumbed specimen of the precious work. Acting upon this chance suggestion, Mr.

"Your dead man was murdered by means of aconite, of which, you know, the active principle is the deadly alkaloid aconitine." Craig pulled down from the shelf above him one of his well-thumbed standard works on toxicology. He turned the pages and read: "Pure aconite is probably the most actively poisonous substance with which we are acquainted.

He walked over and pulled down a well-thumbed standard work on toxicology, turned the pages, then began to read aloud: Pure aconitin is probably the most actively poisonous substance with which we are acquainted and, if administered hypodermically, the alkaloid is even more powerfully poisonous than when taken by the mouth.

The well-thumbed copy of Marco Polo was doubtless brought out, and abundant evidence found in it; and it was decided to despatch a little embassy to this city in order to gain information about its position and wealth.

If it had held a Harpagon's Interest Computer, instead of a well-thumbed Virgil, or Oldcodger's Commercial Statistics for 184 , instead of an antique, leather-covered Montaigne, Straws would have had no use for the cupboard.

It is in such trifles that a woman's love is more than a man's. That night Frank came downstairs with a thick well-thumbed volume in his hand. 'This is Mr. Pepys, said he solemnly. 'What a funny name! cried Maude. 'It makes me think of indigestion. Why? Oh yes, pepsine, of course. 'We shall take a dose of him every night after dinner to complete the resemblance.

The well-thumbed old doctor's prescription she had purloined even back in the hotel days, and embargo and legislation were daily making more and more furtive and prohibitive the traffic in drugs. Once Alma, mistakenly, too, she thought later, had suspected a chauffeur of collusion with her mother and abruptly dismissed him, to Louis' rage.

There is a home-made table and sometimes a home-made chair or two, though usually chests in which clothing and furs are stored are utilized also as seats. A closet built at one side holds the meager supply of dishes. On a mantelshelf the clock ticks, if the cabin boasts one, and by its side rests a well-thumbed Bible. Bunks, built against the rear of the room, serve as beds.