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Thornton had entered Camberton with all the distinction that a well-connected Massachusetts family, easy circumstances, and distinct scholarship would give. His course had been a gentle current of prosperity. He took first a high degree in the college, then a good degree in medicine.

After a moment Psmith followed him. The headmaster was in his garden. Thither Mr. Downing made his way, the boot-bearing Psmith in close attendance. The Head listened to the amateur detective's statement with interest. "Indeed?" he said, when Mr. Downing had finished. "Indeed? Dear me! It certainly seems It is a curiously well-connected thread of evidence.

When Brooke told his sister that he had met a woman whom he could love, she was unfeignedly glad, and never thought of inquiring whether the woman in question was rich, or well-connected, or moving in good society.

God only knew! as he was in the habit of remarking. His wife had been a hard, worldly, well-connected woman, who presented him with two unnatural children, a girl and a boy, and grew harder, more worldly, less handsome, in the process.

"'Guineas'?" repeated Nicky-Nan, as the solid earth seemed to fail beneath his feet and his supporting stick. Miss Oliver, grasping the advantage of his evident distress, decided in a flash that here, before her, stood the wreck of a well-connected man, cleanly in person, not ill to look upon; and that she would a little longer withhold disclosure of the guinea.

The Miss Minetts, though mature, grew pink and quivered, confessing themselves not averse to offering board and lodging to a suitable, a well-connected, well-conducted paying guest. To outpourings on the enthralling subject of the curate, Damaris found herself condemned to listen from every feminine visitor in turn. It held the floor, to the exclusion of all other topics.

The London Gazette announced him to the world as Baron Holchester of Holchester. And the friends of the family rubbed their hands and said, "What did we tell you? Here are our two young friends, Julius and Geoffrey, the sons of a lord!" And where was Mr. Vanborough all this time? Exactly where we left him five years since. He was as rich, or richer, than ever. He was as well-connected as ever.

This calm courage generally has its reward, and in the year 1842, not very long before the death of my grandfather at Shoxford, Mr. Herbert Castlewood, being well-connected, well-behaved, diligent, and pleasing, obtained a partnership in the firm, which was, perhaps, the foremost in the west of England.

The gentility of her class made her use this pretence to avoid the stigma attached to earning her living. "My family's very well-connected," she said. Philip smiled faintly, and she noticed it. "What are you laughing at?" she said quickly. "Don't you believe I'm telling you the truth?" "Of course I do," he answered.

So Aaron went skipping off to his appointment, at seven o'clock. Judge of his chagrin, then, when he found already seated in the salotta an elderly, quite well-known, very cultured and very well-connected English authoress. She was charming, in her white hair and dress of soft white wool and white lace, with a long chain of filigree gold beads, like bubbles.