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Call to her? She would only hurry on. Run after her? She could not get there. It was intuition instinct took the short cut a benumbed reason could not make; rolling headlong down the bunker, twisting her neck and mercilessly bumping her elbow, Katherine Wayneworth Jones emitted a shriek to raise the very dead themselves.

He has a true sense of values because he knows Katherine Wayneworth Jones for the most desirable thing in all the world." It did surprise her, and the surprise grew. None of them had thought of Major Darrett as what they called a marrying man. And on the heels of the surprise came a certain sense of triumph.

And of various other things, mused she. Her brother, Captain Wayneworth Jones, was divorced from his wife and wedded to something he was hoping would in turn be wedded to a rifle; all the scientific cells of the family having been used for Wayne's brain, it was hard for Katie to get the nature of the attachment, but she trusted the ordnance department would in time solemnly legalize the affair Wayne giving in marriage destruction profiting happily by the union.

Fred's father had never started. Bishop Wayneworth was only democratic when delivering addresses on the signers of the Declaration of Independence. The democracy of the past was sanctified; the democracy of the present, pernicious and uncouth. Thought of her uncle put Katie on the outside, eyes dancing with the fun of the attack. "Who are her people, Fred?"

Certain it had been from the first that if Wayne could help it no one would know what trouble he might be giving himself. Old-fashioned folk who expected brothers and sisters to be alike had, on the surface at least, a sorry time with Wayneworth and Katherine Jones. Katie was sunny. Katie had a genius for play.

Certain it was that a very choice corner had been fitted up for said Katherine Wayneworth Jones. People said that she belonged in her corner; that no one else could fit it, that she could not as well fit anywhere else. But she was not at all sure that under the feather duster act that would give her the right of possession. People were so stupid.

Miss Katherine Wayneworth Jones was bunkered. Having been bunkered many times in the past, and knowing that she would be bunkered upon many occasions in the future, Miss Jones was not disposed to take a tragic view of the situation.

While they still lingered around the table Fred Wayneworth joined them, and Katie, eager to talk with him of his people and his work, left Ann alone with Wayne and Captain Prescott, something which up to that time she had been reluctant to do. But to-night she did not feel Ann clinging to her, calling out to her, as she had felt her before.

Katherine Wayneworth Jones was not accustomed to being viewed with compassion. "It would be foolish to try to make you understand," said the girl simply, finality in her weariness. "It would be foolish to try to make a girl like you understand that nothing can be so bad as sunshine." Katie leaned across the table. This interested her. "Why I suppose that might be true. I suppose "

Lying there in the sweet dignity of her braided hair, in that simple lovely gown, she might have been Ann indeed. There was tenderness just then in the heart of Katherine Wayneworth Jones.