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He whirled over, struck to the surface, spat out brine, blinked his eyes. Somebody was shouting something in an urgent voice. The noise buzzed in his waterlogged ears. "Hey, hello! What is it?" he cried, giving his head a shake and putting on his hat. "School of sharks!" shouted Greer, coming toward his leader at a foamy speed. "School of sharks!" echoed Madden with a sharp thrill. "Where?

The ship was very deeply-laden and was in considerable danger of becoming waterlogged, in which condition anything might have happened. The hand pump produced nothing more than a dribble and its suction could not be reached, for as the water crept higher it got in contact with the boiler and eventually became so hot that no one could work at the suctions.

A cautious survey told him they were some distance from the creek mouth, and certainly invisible behind the waterlogged trunk and its load of leaves and other debris. He put his lips to Scotty's ear. "Wonder what happened to Orvil?" "We've got to find out," Scotty whispered back. "Yes, but how?" "We go overland." Of course! They were on the same side as the boat, and not far away.

"I pray my keel scrapes soon," spluttered the waterlogged Hawkridge as he kicked himself along in a final effort. Huzza, their feet touched the soft ooze and they fell over stumps and rotted trunks buried under the surface. Scratched and beplastered with mud, they crawled out in muck which gripped them to the knees, and roosted like buzzards upon the butt of a prostrate live-oak.

She's just about as suitable as any other waterlogged cattle-steamer'd be, and no more first-rate for elephants and kangaroos, but no good for cruiser-work, and so slow she wouldn't make a ripple high enough to drown a gnat going at the top of her speed.

She sold Donkey Street with all its stock, and decided to lay out the money in improvements of her land. She would drain the waterlogged innings by the Kent Ditch, she would buy a steam plough and make the neighbourhood sit up she would start cattle-breeding. She had no qualms in thus spending the money on the farm, instead of on Ellen.

Henceforward throughout the rather more than a century and a half which intervened between the battle of Clontarf and the Norman invasion, Ireland remained a helpless waterlogged vessel, with an unruly crew, without rudder or compass, above all, without a captain.

I was so worn out that I could hardly stir; but it seemed that if I did not move, no one else would; so shouting to one or two to help me, I crawled forward, and got the hatches on again, just as another wave washed over us; but before the next came, with my marlinespike I had contrived to nail down the tarpaulin once more, in the hope that, though waterlogged, we might float a little longer.

These are the ideal conditions that must be kept in mind when using them for vermiculture. Since earthworms breathe through the skin, they perish if their skin becomes dry or the quantity of mucus diminishes. Hence to keep earthworms alive in the vermicompost containers, care should be taken to ensure that the vermibed remains moist. Earthworms however do not prefer waterlogged soils.

It made a ruin of him the Prophet Isaiah could not have remained dignified wrestling with a sneezing bee of those dimensions but oh, how it did gladden the rest of us to behold him at the mercy of the elements and to note what a sodden, waterlogged wreck they made of him! It was not long after that before we had another streak of luck.