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"I will stand watch over the camp for the rest of the night, though you will not be disturbed." Confident in the watchfulness of Captain McKay the Pony Rider Boys slept soundly all through that night. Even Chunky forgot to talk in his sleep, thus saving himself from sundry digs in the ribs from his companions. But when the morning came again the lads were treated to still another surprise.

Through the towers and palaces he rode with his following, but no woman, veiled or unveiled, no, not even an outcast of the city, was there to see him come; only the men, armed and silent. So he turned to Munim Khan that rode at his bridle, saying, "Let not the eye of watchfulness close this night on the pillow of forgetfulness!" And thus he entered the palace.

Nevertheless, human management and watchfulness can greatly assist towards living in security and warding off the injuries of our fellow men, and even of beasts.

In temperatures that were almost continuously below zero, and often twenty or thirty degrees below, a man in water-soaked clothing would freeze to death in a very short time, and there were so many air-holes and areas of thin ice that watchfulness was a matter of vital necessity.

Thus moved, he redoubled his watchfulness touching the captain's movements, satisfied that he should be able ere long to detect him in some intrigue, as to running a cargo of slaves, and doubtless under such circumstances that he could arrest and detain him, if not, by some lucky chance, even have him tried and adjudged upon by the English commission upon the coast.

After all, what value had such an impression beside the judgment of her daily and hourly watchfulness? the favourable opinion too, so she insisted, of their local doctor. As they walked home, he startled her by saying that he should only have three days in the valley. "Three days!" She looked her remonstrance. "You know the trial begins next week?"

When I get back to Terra, I'll see that you're given full credit for this achievement " On Terra, her back and his knife would be out of her watchfulness. "We won't need to wait that long," Hubert Penrose told him dryly. "I'm sending off an official report, tomorrow; you can be sure Dr.

You are called upon by the very world that you have come into, and by the very sort of person that you yourself are, to exercise that perpetual watchfulness which is the only condition of cleansing your way.

He was rewarded for his painstaking care and watchfulness; for he found, on experiment, that the principal ingredient of the hair-powder consisted of kaolin, the want of which had so long formed an insuperable difficulty in the way of his inquiries.

O that I may he more faithful in the employment of the capacity which has been entrusted to me, for the good of souls and the honor of my Lord! The reflections which follow add another to the numberless testimonies of the saints' experience, that the Christian life is a continual warfare. I am sensible of having lost ground for some time past for want of more diligence in watchfulness and prayer.