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He spoke of the emperor's warm affection for the provinces, as the land of his birth; of his deep regret that his broken health and failing powers, both of body and mind, compelled him to resign his sovereignty, and to seek relief for his shattered frame in a more genial climate.

Also in the warm season it was a keen pleasure to find the cast slough of the feared and subtle creature.

"Well, I thought as he brought us down in the cabin here, and gave us that warm drink and the bread and butter, what a pity it was that French and English should ever fight and kill one another." "Yah! Hark at him, Sep Duncan," cried Bob. "There's a sentimental, unnatural chap. What do you say?"

'But what an idea to go to the Caucasus as a cadet, too! I wouldn't do it for anything. ... Are you dining at the club to-morrow? 'Yes. They separated. The traveller felt warm, his fur coat seemed too hot. He sat on the bottom of the sledge and unfastened his coat, and the three shaggy post-horses dragged themselves out of one dark street into another, past houses he had never before seen.

It was on this island, many years ago, that an English brig struck in a dark night, while "running down the trades." The officers and crew, frightened at the dashing of the breakers and the gloomy aspect of the rocks which frowned upon them from above, made their escape on shore in "double quick time," some of them marvellously thinly clad, even for a warm climate.

Something r-rotten in the State of Denmark," it gasped. "Jove! I like excitement, but I'd rather be warm enough to enjoy it. Oh! Dad, if there are any others left in that car, the one on end, you help 'em. I must attend to these girls."

He stood there, trembling; he could feel the blood pouring in a warm flood about his throat and neck. "Tell me," she said again. "You you are more beautiful than anyone I have ever seen," he panted. "You are not used to women, Samuel!" "No," said he. "I'm just a country boy." She stood waiting for him to continue. "The girls there" he whispered "they are pretty but you you "

The dawn had been chilly: but he was warm enough by this time. Indeed, sweat soaked his shirt; beads of sweat gathered on his grey eyebrows, and dripped, sometimes on his hands, sometimes on the pile of old plaster greyish-white, and fine almost as wood-ash into which they dug and dug, tearing the thin lathes aside, pouncing on each coin brought to the surface.

Little was said until some hot tea had been drunk and the bear steaks in readiness were disposed of, for although they had worked hard and kept themselves comparatively warm down in the valley, they had as they moved slowly up the path with the horses become chilled to the bone.

My plaid I continued to wear from sentiment. It was warm, useful to sleep in if I were again benighted, and I had discovered it to be not unbecoming for a man of gallant carriage. Thus equipped, I supported my character of the light-hearted pedestrian not amiss.