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O. H. P. Belmont, James E. Gaffney, Ida Tarbell, Norman Hapgood, William Randolph Hearst, Senator Whitman, Bernard Ridder, Frank A. Munsey, Henry Morgenthau, Elihu Root, Henry L. Stimson, Franklin Q. Brown, John Mitchell, John Wanamaker, Dr.

The aim of that great church and its well-known Sunday School, is to make people happy by making them better, and to save them for this world after saving them for another world. When a church has the spiritual purposes and spiritual power of the London Tabernacle and the Bethany Church, and is guided by a Spurgeon or a Wanamaker, it may safely become "institutional."

There is no investment a business man can make that will pay him a greater per cent, than patience and amiability. Good humor will sell the most goods. John Wanamaker's clerks have been heard to say: "We can work better for a week after a pleasant 'Good morning' from Mr. Wanamaker."

An illustration of this is seen in the successful and Heaven-blessed Bethany Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, founded and maintained and guided by that hundred-handed Briareus in the service of Christ my beloved friend, the Hon. John Wanamaker.

John Wanamaker, for instance, gets a hundred miles of travel per day out of some of his delivery-wagons. The average five-ton truck, in a ten-hour day, can make eighty miles, and keep constantly at work. On the other hand, a one-horse wagon can scarcely average half that mileage. Already your doctor whirls around in an automobile, and he can make five times more visits than with a horse.

After an up-and-down mostly down career of a decade, the Business Palace was bought by John Wanamaker. Again, and almost instantly, the Business Palace became a center of light and education, and the splendid aisles that a generation before had known the tread of the best people of Manhattan, again felt their step.

A German officer, furious at this defiance, sprang toward the boy with lifted sword and would have struck him down had not his Imperial master intervened and with his own weapon caught the descending blow. "Shame! Coward!" cried the Crown Prince. "We do not fight with children." And the end of it was that no one was punished, although concerts were forbidden after this in the Wanamaker store.

See also Political Science Quarterly, Vol. II, pp. 223 and 369. The Eleventh Census is now being compiled, and Bulletins are issued from time to time by the superintendent. Postmaster-General Wanamaker has recently issued a pamphlet in support of a Limited Post and Telegraph.

John Wanamaker, whatever the growth of the country may be hereafter, will always remain one of America's most representative and most successful men of affairs both representative and successful because his business has rested from the first on the principle of honest dealing, of making satisfied customers in a word, upon the altogether modern principle of "your money back, if you want it."

"The latest and best is the cheapest in the end, especially when you consider convenience and durability. "A pretty safe guide is to see what the biggest and best stores everywhere are installing today. "You will find such merchants as John Wanamaker in his Philadelphia and New York stores equipping his clothing departments solely with New Way Crystal Wardrobes;