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Caffre king will not rob in his own country, because he is afraid of the English; but if the waggon's robbed, and you all killed in this country, which is not his, then he make excuses, and say, `I know nothing about it. Say that their people do it, not his people."

And after those days of constant communication with Evan, the blank cessation of it, the ignorance of all that had befallen or was befalling him, the want of a word of remembrance or affection, grew almost to a blank of despair. It was late in the month. "What waggon's that stopping?" exclaimed Mrs. Starling one afternoon. Mother and daughter were in the lean-to.

"See here," he said; "my waggon is coming up behind. I can give you a lift as far as there. Are you hungry?" "Ah," she said, "If you knew. If you only knew!" They waited for the waggon's coming up, for they could hear the horses' bells chiming cheerily across the valley. "I had an only daughter went away once," he said. "But, glory to God! I got her back again, though she brought a child with her.

Presently we left my road for the deep shade of a narrow country way where the great oaks and beeches meet overhead and no hedge- clipper sets his hand to stay nature's profusion; and so by pleasant lanes scarce the waggon's width across, now shady, now sunny, here bordered by thickset coverts, there giving on fruitful fields, we came at length to the mill.

It's a fortunate thing my waggon's roomy, or we'd have to leave some of your stuff to come up by one of the teams," said he. Mrs. Kingston was about to make apologies for the size of Frank's outfit, but Mr. Stewart stopped her. "It's all right, Mrs. Kingston. The lad might just as well be comfortable as not. He'll have plenty of roughing it, anyway.

With weary, extended arms he clutched hold of his vegetable couch in fear of being thrown to the ground by one of the waggon's jolts, and his eyes were fixed on the two long lines of gas lamps which stretched away in front of him till they mingled with a swarm of other lights in the distance atop of the slope.

Half a dozen lengthy bamboo fishing-poles projected from the waggon's rear. "You're here, Bob," said Judge Archinard, Mr. Robert's old friend and schoolmate. "It's going to be a royal day for fishing. I thought you said why, didn't you bring along the stuff?" The president of the Weymouth Bank took off his hat and rumpled his gray locks.

Parties of young men, at table in the fashionable restaurateurs' rooms on the mezzanine floor, ran to the windows, napkin in hand, and howled: "Cannibals, man-eaters, vampires!" The cart having plunged into a heap of refuse that had not been removed during the two days of civil disorder, the gilded youth screamed with delight: "The waggon's mired.... Hurrah! The Jacobins in the jakes!"