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Another minute, and the train was movings lowly out of the station, while the two young people continued their cross-examination, confronting each other from their separate corners. "This is an unexpected visit, is it not? I understood from Miss Ramsden that she expected you to call at the Manor to-day or to-morrow." "Vury unexpected! I got a wire from a friend and came off within two hours.

You're a Britisher, and therefore you're a bit narrow-minded. We're a vury adaptable nation, we Amurricans. Say, though, you haven't told me what you're up here for yet? I guess you haven't come just in search of health?" Captain Kettle reflected.

"Yes," they heard him say, "this arn't by no means the furst taime I was in thaise seas. Good-even to ye, Mr Trevose and Mr Edgwyth! No; I tall 'ee I was 'ere in the zummer of 1582, just after the taime that that there bloody pirate, Jose Leirya, was sailing of these vury seas. 'E was a fiend in 'uman shape, if there ever was one; nobody was zafe in anny of the ships 'e tuk.

'E was a reg'ler devil, 'e was; and they do zay as 'ow 'e be about 'ere even now, although 'e baint been 'eard of for zum taime. And more; they zay that zumwheres near this vury plaace 'o 'as buried tons of goold and silver, precious stones, and all kinds of vallybles; but 'ow far that be true I doen't knaw.

If there are factories about it might pay vury well." Guest's look of stupefaction, incredulity, of horror, could scarcely have been greater if Cornelia had suggested a leap down to the street beneath. "Good heavens! what an idea! You can't realise what you are talking about, Miss Briskett. That house has been in the possession of my family since the time of the Tudors!"

She would find some ladies, with whom you could sit during the concert." Cornelia made a grimace, the reverse of appreciative. "No, thank you; I guess not! I'm not over-fond of sitting with ladies at any time, but strange ones are the limit. You tell your aunt that it's real kind of her, and I vury much regret that I don't want to go. I've fixed-up just how I'm going to spend the afternoon.

There are skirts and skirts: ever so many of them, on top of each other, and each one is different. They all get a chance at times. It's the vury latest craze. Mrs Moffatt nearly killed me when she saw it." "A chameleon effect. I see! Is it supposed to be symbolic?" "Of me? I guess not! When I've made up my mind, I stick! There's no chopping about for this child!"