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They was somethin' else missin', too, an' that was the queer brass bound box with all the Squire's money an' vallybles. The hired man told 'bout the box, else nobody might ever have heard that part. He was carryin' in the day's wood next mornin' an' overheard the Squire an' the Madam talkin' 'bout it; him callin' his son a 'thief, an' forbiddin' his name ever to be spoke in that house again.

"Ez how? you sez," said Bill, catching at the hook. "I drives up yer some night, and you sez to me, 'Bill, hev you got two seats over to the Divide for me and aunty out on a pasear. And I sez, 'I happen to hev one inside and one on the box with me. And you hands out yer traps and any vallybles ye don't want ter leave, and you puts your aunt inside, and gets up on the box with me.

The prisoners were quickly transferred to the other boat, and the pirate with the green sash took the oars. Just as all was ready for the start the cat in red cried: "Hold on a minute, Growler! I'll just jump back into their old tub to see if we've left any vallybles behind!" "All right, Prowler." It was then and only then that Rudolf and Ann remembered the two white mice!

'E was a reg'ler devil, 'e was; and they do zay as 'ow 'e be about 'ere even now, although 'e baint been 'eard of for zum taime. And more; they zay that zumwheres near this vury plaace 'o 'as buried tons of goold and silver, precious stones, and all kinds of vallybles; but 'ow far that be true I doen't knaw.

At this the small man blinked, and the two that held me stared upon each other a little at a loss. "Who says my friend stole your vallybles come!" demanded Jessamy. "Why, we all says so!" cried the little man. "An' he can't deny it and no more 'e don't, neither!" "However," said Jessamy, "my friend ain't stole your mirror, friend." "Then 'oo 'as?" demanded the little man, capering again.