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Out of these researches arose a famous battle which kept Pasteur hard at work for four or five years the struggle over spontaneous generation. It was an old warfare, but the microscope had revealed a new world, and the experiments on fermentation had lent great weight to the omne vivum ex ovo doctrine.

The grapes were grown in a building seldom heated artificially, and were much attacked by mildew during the last two seasons, on which prompt measures were taken to diffuse perfectly dry 'sulphur vivum' throughout the house by means of a sulphurator, until fruit and foliage were completely but lightly coated.

Their new theory is only a slight modification of an old one, or the old adage, omne vivum ex ovo all life is from an egg. For they assert that every living thing primordially proceeds from an ovule in protoplasm, the essential part of the protoplasmic egg, so to speak, being this little ovum or cellule, from which have issued all possible organisms in both the vegetable and animal kingdoms.

But they were sufficient, at least, to show that, as far as our clear knowledge extends, the one uniform law, "Omne vivum ex ovo," universally prevails, and that the whole analogy of Nature, in so far as its constitution has been ascertained, is adverse to the doctrine of spontaneous generation.

It was with some difficulty that Septimus was persuaded to consign his carpet-bag to the custody of the hall-porter. "If it wasn't a Nanteuil," he explained in a whisper to his friend, "I should have no hesitation; for I am sure the man is honest and in every way to be relied upon. But a Nanteuil ad vivum Jack. There are none like him. It is priceless."

In doing this, they take up and decompose carbonic acid, retain the carbon, and give off oxygen a vital process not known to occur in the case of animal life. Nihil ex nihilo is conceded to be as conclusive an induction as omne vivum ex vivo.

If we add further, that the two old maxims of the natural scientists, omne vivum ex ovo and omne ovum ex ovario, have not been invalidated, in spite of all the searching for a generatio æquivoca, and that, even if the origination of the lowest organisms out of the inorganic could in future be proved, yet the truth of these maxims for all the higher organized individuals is established as a fact without exception.

Nonne canis nidum veneris nasutus odore Quærit, et erranti trahitur sublambere linguâ? Respuit at gustum cupidus, labiisque retractis Elevat os, trepidansque novis impellitur æstris Inserit et vivum felici vomere semen. Quam tenui filo cæcos adnectit amores Docta Venus, vitæque monet renovare favillam! The following curious experiment is related by Galen.

Est nimis omnipotens malum!" "Quid vis dicere?" said the priest, looking puzzled. "Quid tibi vis?" "Est nimis sempiternum durum!" "In nomine omnium sanctorum apostolorumque," cried the priest, "quid vis dicere?" "Potes ne juvare nos," continued Tozer, "in hoc lachrymabile tempore? Volo unum verum vivum virum qui possit "

We have seen the truth of the maxim "Omne vivum ex vivo," and therefore that all particular forms of life are differentiations of the one Basic Life. This means a localizing of the Life-Principle in individual centres. The formation of a centre implies condensation; for where there is no condensation the Energy, whether electricity or Life, is simply dispersed and achieving no purpose.