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But the doctor and the vice-palatine showed themselves all the more willing to share the conversation with their hostess. "The official business was satisfactorily arranged without me, was it not, Bernat bácsi?" after a brief pause, inquired the baroness. "Not altogether. We are like the gypsy who said that he was going to marry a countess.

How dares he say such a thing?" demanded the vice-palatine. "Because I have seen her." "You have seen her? When did you see her? Where did you see her her whom no one yet has seen?" "When I was returning from college last year, per pedes apostolorum, for my money had given out, and my knapsack was empty.

The vice-palatine was pacing the floor of his room in his noiseless cloth socks, when he suddenly heard the voices of his clerk and his servant outside the door. "Well, Janos, we are not going to dine here to-day; from what I can learn, we are going to be eaten ourselves." "What do you mean?" "The groom told me his master was loading his pistols to shoot some one.

"I only hope, reverend sir," jestingly observed the vice-palatine, "that it will not happen to you as it did to the csokonai, not long ago. Some wags exchanged his sermon-book for one on cookery, and he did not notice it until he began to read in the pulpit: 'The vinegar was Then he saw that he was reading a recipe for pickled gherkins.

The things had been brought over from the castle while the baroness and Marie were in the park. "You will feel more at home with your belongings about you," said Katharina, as she returned the grateful girl's good-night kiss. When Count Vavel and the vice-palatine disappeared from the window of the dining-room, they did not retire to their pillows.

He had the presence of mind, however, to continue, was offered to the Saviour, who said, "It is finished." And on that text he extemporized a discourse that astounded the entire presbytery." "I shall manage somehow to say my speech," returned the pastor, meekly, "if only I do not stumble over the name of the lady." "It is a difficult name," assented the vice-palatine. "What is it?

"Well, that can also be done in this instance!" promptly responded the baroness, proffering, without affectation of maidenly coyness, the ceremonial kiss, and cordially shaking hands with the vice-palatine. Then she said: "We are now Bernat bácsi, and Katinka; and as that is happily arranged, I will ask the gentlemen to go into the agent's office and conclude our official business.

By the time the meal was over Herr Bernat was in a most generous mood; and when he took leave of his agreeable host, he assured him that the occupants of the Nameless Castle might always depend on the protection and good will of the vice-palatine.

Even the vice-palatine from time to time ejaculated: "Darvalia!" "Beste karaffia!" which, doubtless, were the proper terms to apply to marauding rascals. But when the baroness came to that part of her story where Count Vavel, with his walking-stick, put to flight the four robbers, Marie's face glowed with pride. Surely there was not another brave man like her Ludwig in the whole world!

"You will really, really do this, Ludwig?" she cried happily. "You will really bring her here? or shall I go to her? Oh, I shall be so happy if you will do this for me!" "I am in earnest," returned Ludwig, seriously. "This is no time for jesting. My superior here" turning toward the vice-palatine "will see that I keep the promise I made in his presence."