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"Tempora certa modosque, et, quod prius ordine verbum est, Posterius facias, praeponens ultima primis Invenias etiam disjecti membra poetae." he will never the more lose himself for that; the very pieces will be fine by themselves.

But what sayeth the proverb, verbum sapienti a word is more to him that hath wisdom than a sermon to a fool.

They let them have all your stuff, but we aren't putting out a thing until some Brass gets out there and gets the real story " "That is the real story, damn it!" "Oh, sure, and a very nice job, too, for an extemporaneous effort if it was. Semantics says, though, that in a couple of spots it smells like slightly rancid cheese, and ... no-no, keep still! Too many planets listening in verbum sap.

Et Verbum caro factum est seemed a sublime statement intended to express the traditional formula of the Will, the Word, and the Act made visible.

Otherwise, look you, she might not have been at the Beach at all to-day. Canning were themselves going Beachward by the three o'clock train, and concluded his few lines with verbum sap, which is a Latin quotation. Standing idly at the window, the girl had indeed been thinking of Mr. Canning before her mother spoke; and thinking with most pleasurable speculations.

"I could not help thinking to myself," said my member, "that at that conference there must have been many men of sufficient classical reading to say to themselves, 'Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes." In which surmise he was quite right. Except perhaps for "Tempus fugit," "verbum sap.," "Arma virumque," and "Quis custodiet," there is no better known relic of antiquity.

On the top stone is a bird, probably meant for a dove, resting on a branch with the rune which Stephens took to be Cadmon Mae Fawed. On the reverse side of this stone are St. John and his eagle, with a partly destroyed Latin inscription, In principio erat verbum. All the subjects are explained by a legend running round the margin, but which is in parts scarcely legible.

John Payne, under the Villon Society, has addressed himself to a realistic translation without 'abridgments or suppressions. I have only to wish him success, and to express a hope that he is resolved verbum reddere verbo, without deference to any prejudice which would prevent his being perfectly truthful to the original.

Tell Christ on earth not to make me wait longer; and when I shall see him, I shall sing with Simeon, that sweet old man: "Nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine, secundum verbum tuum, in pace." I say no more; for did I follow my wish, I should begin again at once.

But the tragedies of life strike deep. They affect the soul, and go to the center of being. "Verbum sap." O child of Adam! Watch the tempest of life closely. The Ego may sit calm amidst the storm, but, if that be stirred BEWARE! The God acts; the soul alone watches. Neptune A Winged Globe.