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Half that number of eggs will be sufficient for an unmarried man, and then we'll talk. They're all very well, as well as I can recollect after the shaking my total vacuity has had this morning. I came over by the first boat, and the sea, the sea has made me love mother earth, and desire of her fruits." Richard fretted restlessly opposite his cool relative.

The Princess and her maid turned their eyes toward every part, and seeing nothing to bound their prospect, considered themselves in danger of being lost in a dreary vacuity. They stopped and trembled.

In fact, never was man born with so many talents of all kinds, so much readiness and facility in making use of them, and yet never was man so idle, so given up to vacuity and weariness. Thus Madame painted him very happily by an illustration from fairy tales, of which she was full.

As to Piso, his best recommendation was a cunning gravity of demeanor, concealing mere vacuity. Piso knew nothing neither law, nor rhetoric, nor war, nor his fellow-men. "His face was the face of some half-human brute." Cicero was not taking the best means to regain his influence in the Senate by stooping to vulgar brutality.

He had also written his will with a point of the said brace-buckles upon the brick of his cell. "Were there any escapes from Lingmoor by any other means?" inquired Richard. "Escapes?" Mr. Rolfe's countenance assumed a more solemn vacuity than ever. It was an indiscretion of his young friend to shape that word with his lips while a warder sat in the same carriage.

It is not to be imagined, my lords, that in this time of peculiar danger, parents will destine their children to maritime employments, or that any man will engage in naval business who can exercise any other profession; and therefore the death or captivity of a sailor leaves a vacuity in our commerce, since no other will be ready to supply his place.

A horrid vacuity was made in the lately thronged spot; it seemed not the slaughter of a mortal arm, but as if the destroying angel himself were there, and with one blast of his desolating brand, had laid all in ruin.

But the darkness is in my ain een, she said, sinking back, after an earnest gaze upon vacuity; 'it's a' ended now, Pass breath, Come death! And, sinking back upon her couch of straw, she expired without a groan.

It is this negative capability of words, their privative force, whereby they can impress the minds with a sense of "vacuity, darkness, solitude, and silence," that Burke celebrates in the fine treatise of his younger days.

Carried to the extreme, regression leads one in type of thinking and in ideas back to childhood and earliest infancy. The final goal is a state of mental vacuity such as probably characterizes the infant at the time of birth and during the first days of extra-uterine life.