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"Might I jest take a peep at that theer letter, v'ere it says seven-thirty, sir?" "Yes," said Barnabas, pointing to a certain line of Cleone's letter, "here it is!" "Ah," exclaimed Mr. Shrig, nodding and rubbing his hands again, "your eyes is good 'uns, ain't they, sir?" "Yes." "Then jest take a good look at that theer seven-thirty, vill you, sir come, vot do you see?"

Rough hands seized me and, checked thus rudely in full career, I was swung around to confront a small, fierce-eyed fellow who cursed and swore, hopped and flourished his fists under my nose in very threatening and unpleasant manner. "V'ere is it, ye young wagabone?" he demanded in shrill accents. "V'ere is it?

Owing to his tastes and habits he had been dubbed Professor by his friends. "Ach! Van der Kemp," he exclaimed, while his coal-black eyes glittered as they shook hands, "vat a booterfly I saw to-day! It beat all creation! The vay it flew oh! But, excuse me v'ere did you come from, and vy do you come? An' who is your frond?"

"I see much in t'e newspapers about t'e beautiful Mees Veensheep, but v'y does she neglect our experiment?" he demanded, following me across the laboratory to my old table. "V'ere are my records, my opportunities for observation? Has t'e beautiful Mees Veensheep no regard for science?" "You've always said she hadn't, and pretended to be glad of it; I won't contradict," I returned.

Seein' as 'ow this cove, though a murderer in intent, ain't a murderer in fact, yet you must ex-cuse me if I with'old 'is name. And here's Eltham Village an' yonder's the 'Man o' Kent' a good 'ouse v'ere I'm known, so if you'll 'old the 'oss, sir, I'll get down and ax a question or so." And I, sitting outside this sleepy hostelry in this quiet village street, thought no more of Mr.

Owing to his tastes and habits he had been dubbed Professor by his friends. "Ach! Van der Kemp," he exclaimed, while his coal-black eyes glittered as they shook hands, "vat a bootterfly I saw to-day! It beat all creation! The vay it flew oh! But, excuse me v'ere did you come from, and vy do you come? An' who is your frond?"

"Ve vill hont an' shot togezzer, mine frond," he said, on making this discovery, "ant I vill show you v'ere de best booterflies are to be fount Oh! sooch a von as I saw to but, excuse me, Van der Kemp. Vy you come here joost now?" "To save you" said the hermit, with a scintillation of his half-pitiful smile.

Veil, I am in dot bees'ness myself. "'Who do you travel for? said I, playing the innocent. "'I'm not on de roat, said the old man. 'I am just out on a leetle trip for my healt. I am a monufacturer. Who do you trafel for? "I told him and then tried to switch the conversation to something else. I knew the old man wouldn't let me do it. "'V'ere do you trafel? said he.

"Vell, sir, my feyther stared at them murderous pistols, stared at Black Dan, an' being the werry gamest an' bravest cove you ever see, didn't 'esitate a second." "Well," cried the fussy gentleman, "what did he do then?" "Do, sir v'y I'll tell you my feyther come down." "Yes, yes," said the fussy gentleman, as Mottle-face paused. "Go on, go on!" "Go on v'ere, sir?" "Go on with your story.

"Ve vill hont an' shot togezzer, mine frond," he said, on making this discovery, "ant I vill show you v'ere de best bootterflies are to be fount Oh! sooch a von as I saw to but, excuse me, Van der Kemp. Vy you come here joost now?" "To save you," said the hermit, with a scintillation of his half-pitiful smile.