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Livy's account of the business, however, differs from Sallust's, and the expression is perhaps not authentic. "At ego scio, Quirites, qui, postquam consules facti sunt, acta majorum, et Graecorum militaria praecepta legere coeperint. Homines praeposteri!" Speech of Marius, Sallust, Jugurtha, 85. "Caesus ab utero matris."

McLean describes a case in which he positively states that a child cried lustily in utero during application of the forceps. He compared the sound as though from a voice in the cellar. This child was in the uterus, not in the vagina, and continued the crying during the whole of the five minutes occupied by delivery. Cesarean Section.

The pathology of this deformity is obscure, but there might have been malposition in utero. Wilson presented a similar case before the Clinical Society of London, in 1888. The "Camel-boy," exhibited some years ago throughout the United States, had reversion of the joints, which resembled those of quadrupeds. He walked on all fours, the mode of progression resembling that of a camel.

Brendelius tells us of hemorrhage from the mouth and nose of the fetus occasioned by the fall of the mother; Buchner mentions a case of fracture of the cranium from fright of the mother; Reuther describes a contusion of the os sacrum and abdomen in the mother from a fall, with fracture of the arm and leg of the fetus from the same cause; Sachse speaks of a fractured tibia in a fetus, caused by a fall of the mother; Slevogt relates an instance of rupture of the abdomen of a fetus by a fall of the mother; the Ephemerides contains accounts of injuries to the fetus of this nature, and among others mentions a stake as having been thrust into a fetus in utero; Verduc offers several examples, one a dislocation of the fetal foot from a maternal fall; Plocquet gives an instance of fractured femur; Walther describes a case of dislocation of the vertebrae from a fall; and there is also a case of a fractured fetal vertebra from a maternal fall.

The analogy of property is in favour of the heir presumptive; that of peerage in favour of the heir apparent in utero. October 24. Cabinet at 4. Read two letters from Hardinge. By his account all the men of property will support the Government and the Union. The press is coming round bought. A Mr. Conway, an able writer, is furious against O'Connell, and, upon the whole, the Press is on our side.

In the secular ode, Lucina is used as one of the names of Diana, and the beauty of Diana is extolled by all the most orthodox doctors of the ancient mythology, from Homer in his Odyssey, to Claudian in his Rape of Proserpine. In another ode, Horace describes Diana as the goddess who assists the "laborantes utero puellas." But we are ashamed to detain our readers with this fourth-form learning.

This condition is occasionally observed and no positive explanation of the reason for its existence can be given. That mal-position en utero causes the metacarpal bones to develop in length so rapidly that the tendons are too short, is an explanation that is offered.

Ordinarily the period of incubation is from three to four days, with a premonitory fever of from twenty-four to seventy-two hours' duration, when the rash appears; this case must therefore have been infected in utero. Lomer of Hamburg tells of the case of a woman, twenty-two years, unmarried, pregnant, who had measles in the eighth month, and who gave birth to an infant with measles.

But very many organic beings are incapable of being preserved in a fossil condition, while of those which can be so preserved 'the number of specimens in all our museums is absolutely as nothing compared with the countless generations of countless species that must have existed. It should be recollected, too, that among still existing forms are to be included several which result from uterine transformation, and are never found alive except in utero.

There is a dislocation found at birth, or occurring shortly after, due to dropsy of the joint in utero; and another form due to succeeding paralysis of groups of muscles about the joint. The interesting instances of major amputations are so numerous and so well known as to need no comment here.