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At such a place as Niagara tasteless buildings, run up in wrong places with a view to money making, are perhaps necessary evils. It may be that they are not evils at all; that they give more pleasure than pain, seeing that they tend to the enjoyment of the multitude. But there are edifices of this description which cry aloud to the gods by the force of their own ugliness and malposition.

In the latter category come such accidents as the pressure of tumours in the pelvic passages, or disease of the bones in the mother, or pressure on the cord from malposition of the child during labour, asphyxiation from the funis being twisted tightly round the neck or limbs, or from injuries due to falls on the floor in sudden labours.

The causes of difficult labor, according to Gilbert, are malposition, dropsy, immoderate size and death of the fetus, debility of the uterus and obstruction of the maternal passages. Adjuvant measures are hot baths, poultices, inunctions, fumigations and sternutatories, and the use of certain herbs.

The pathology of this deformity is obscure, but there might have been malposition in utero. Wilson presented a similar case before the Clinical Society of London, in 1888. The "Camel-boy," exhibited some years ago throughout the United States, had reversion of the joints, which resembled those of quadrupeds. He walked on all fours, the mode of progression resembling that of a camel.

In four out of five patients the organ will be found in its proper location, but, even though it is not, suitable measures adopted at once will generally serve to replace and hold it in good position. On the other hand, if the malposition is not recognized until months or years later, simple procedures will prove inefficient, and a surgical operation will become necessary.

There was an analogue of this case found by Mercurialis in a child of a Jew called Teutonicus. Gerster reports a rare form of imperforate anus, with malposition of the left ureter, obliteration of the ostia of both ureters, with consequent hydronephrosis of a confluent kidney. There was a minute opening into the bladder, which allowed the passage of meconium through the urethra.