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The tempestuousness of these thoughts, when they took possession of her, hinting as they did of possibilities in her nature hitherto unguessed and unrevealed, astonished and frightened her; she sought to thrust them away, to reassure herself that his concern for the successful delivery of the Bradlaugh order was natural.

If he went to the length of having me arrested and charged with the crime, there are bound to be some disclosures and the newspapers would make the most of them. It is impossible to foresee the exact nature of them, but I do not see how I could adopt any line of defence which would not hint at things that are best unrevealed.

The 'diligence, of which the Apostle thinks such great things, reaches, as it were, a hand up into heaven and binds a man to that great unrevealed, electing purpose of God.

The eagerness with which Danville put his question, and the disappointment he showed on getting no satisfactory answer to it, were of a nature to satisfy the observant chief agent that his superintendent was really as ignorant as he appeared to be on the subject of the man and woman Dubois. That one mystery, at any rate was still, for Danville, a mystery unrevealed. "Louis Trudaine!

The seat of acquisition I speak of must have been contiguous to the house we occupied I recall it as most intimately and objectionably near and carried on in the interest of those parents from New York who, in villeggiatura under the queer conditions of those days, with the many modern mitigations of the gregarious lot still unrevealed and the many refinements on the individual one still undeveloped, welcomed almost any influence that might help at all to form their children to civility.

Lord Doltimore, just returned from the Continent, had not even taken his seat in the Lords; and though his family connections, such as they were and they were not very high, and by no means in the fashion were ministerial, his own opinions were as yet unrevealed. To this young nobleman Lord Vargrave was singularly attentive.

What was in the far recesses of that soul, where these two young people were concerned, must remain unrevealed; but Li Choo and the halfbreed woman in their own language which was almost without words clucked and grunted their understanding.

A woman even whose good qualities and she had several only seemed to push her further and further down the path of disaster. The new queen was twenty-six years old. Old enough, therefore, to have realized what life meant, young enough to have almost illimitable possibilities still unrevealed to her.

I have long dreamt of such an unattainable creature, as you know, and she, this undiscoverable, elusive one, inspired my last volume; the imaginary woman alone, for, in spite of what has been said in some quarters, there is no real woman behind the title. She has continued to the last unrevealed, unmet, unwon.

"Not one not a single one, for all the days of the future, my darling. But," he added, "I have none that are unrevealed." "I am not so fortunate, dear. I have a great one, and now I am going to tell it all to you." "But " "No, let me do all the talking until you hear it to the end, and let me tell it in my own way." "All right," and he pressed her hand lovingly.