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As the horses, drew near there was heard to come from the hut a low, suppressed yelp, half like the bark of a dog, yet resembling the cry of a wolf. The door was open, and by a low table, upon which burned the clear, unflickering light which the two had seen so far down the valley, sat the old woman.

Rhoda's unflickering determination to carry out, and to an end, this tragic struggle of duty against inclination; on her own sole responsibility forcing it on; acting like a Fate, in contempt of mere emotions, seemed barely real to his mind: each moment that he conceived it vividly, he became more certain that she must break down. Was it in her power to drag Dahlia to the steps of the altar?

"I detest you!" she exclaimed. "Why?" "I detest you!" He wanted to cry out, "And I you!" He was exasperated, and would have given all he owned to get her to dress and go home. The fire was burning low, unflickering. Appeased, now, he sat up and looked into the darkness. He would have liked to get up and find another nightshirt, because the one he had on was tearing and getting in his way.

Thought and action on highest levels are involved in it, for it means, not religious emotionalism, but the unflickering orientation of the whole self towards Him, ever seeking and finding the Eternal; the linking up of all behaviour on that string, so that the apparently hard and always heroic choices which are demanded, are made at last because they are inevitable.

'What maketh heaven, that maketh hell'; and the same God is the fire to quicken, to sanctify, to bless; and resisted, rejected, neglected, is the fire that consumes; the savour of life unto life, or the savour of death unto death. And then, still further, notice that this flame is undying steady, unflickering. What does that mean?

The man's look still rested upon her with unflickering directness. Again that peculiar smile hovered about his grim mouth. "Yes, I am human," he said, after a pause. "I do not esteem myself as above temptation. As you probably know, I am a self-made man, of very ordinary extraction. But I do not feel tempted to take up Burleigh Wentworth's defence.

To O'Hara he said: "Lead to your suite", and, descending, they presently stood in a bed-temple, the bed surrounded with mirrors, and at the other end of the apartment an altar pyx, six unflickering candles, and flowers, with rail and reredos, and maxims of St. Theresa. Hogarth said: "Sleep two hours", and went out, turning the key.

These words of bravado were not spoken in the tone of a bravo, but a prophet. Erect upon his chair, like an Iroquois, the speaker's look was like that of an unflickering torch. His air seemed slightly to disturb the old sage's philosophic repose, who, while not seeking to disguise his admiration of the unmistakable spirit of the man, seemed but illy to relish his apparent measureless boasting.

He laughed softly. "No atmosphere to speak of there, you know; we have determined that very definitely." On the screen the picture of the smiling man flashed off; it was replaced by an unflickering darkness that came abruptly into softly shaded light. There was an expanse of volcanic terrain and a round orifice of tremendous size, where the sunlight cast black shadows.

"Hullo!" said Wentworth, and offered his hand. "I'm pleased to meet you here." Field took the hand after a scarcely perceptible pause. His smile was openly cynical. "Very kind of you," he said. "I am somewhat out of my element, I admit. We are celebrating our engagement." He looked full at Wentworth as he said it with that direct, unflickering gaze of his.