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I found that it was the duty of the emigrants to keep their own quarters clean, and this seemed to have been somewhat neglected of late. I therefore gave orders that all hands should at once turn-to and give the 'tween-decks a thorough cleansing, in readiness for another inspection by myself at eight bells in the afternoon watch.

The following day found Nicholls and Simpson so far recovered that they both declared themselves quite strong enough to turn-to, and accordingly Leslie who, since the raid of the savages, was more feverishly eager than ever to get away from the island took the catamaran; and the three men went off together to the wreck of the brig.

A row of eyes gleaming stared on the edge of light. They pushed one another with elbows, turned their heads, whispered. Wait let his chin fall on his breast and, with lowered eyelids, looked round in a suspicious manner. "Why not?" cried a voice from the shadows, "the man's all right, sir." "I am all right," said Wait, with eagerness. "Been sick... better... turn-to now." He sighed.

Ali, especially, who has distinguished himself for several days in the obstreperous line, has had a regular turn-to with his father-in-law; and not satisfied with this, nearly strangled Moknee's son. The Mandara black threw himself on the ground and called out, "Load my pistol, O Chaouch; I must shoot this reprobate Ali!"

Well, it's done now; they've picked out a widow and a will; tossed up for it, as like as not; and the Dream's for sale. She'll go cheap; she's had a long turn-to at rotting." "What size is she?" "Well, big enough. We don't want her bigger. A hundred and ninety, going two hundred," replied the captain.

Looking intently I caught it again, and yet again, three or four times. The gunner at that moment approached me to report that the men were all ready to turn-to once more, upon which I directed his attention to the point at which I had noticed the mysterious appearance, and asked him if he could see anything. Shading his eyes with his hand, he looked earnestly in the direction indicated.

"We'll log it down as such," said I, to prevent argument, "and for God's sake don't let us squabble any more. If you're right again, we may as well turn-to and get at the cache without further dawdling. You have a spade, I suppose?" "A spade! Oh dear, oh dear! what an oversight. If you'll believe me, Mr. Cospatric, I never remembered that digging implements would be required till this moment.