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I can see through a cord of wood, when there's a hole big enough." "I mentioned this thing to you in confidence." "You didn't say a word about confidence; and I didn't promise to keep still. I won't keep still. I think it is a mean trick to buy up the votes of the fellows, and I'll blow the whole thing higher than a kite." "You'll catch it if you do," said Wilton, in a threatening tone.

I supposed that all a pilot had to do was to keep his boat in the river, and I did not consider that that could be much of a trick, since it was so wide. The boat backed out from New Orleans at four in the afternoon, and it was 'our watch' until eight. Mr.

Kelson, one of the partners in the Modern Sorcery Company Ltd., whose wonderful performances at their Hall, in Cockspur Street, have already been reported in these columns." "I should well like to know how that flying trick is done," Shiel said to himself. "According to Kelson it is entirely a question of will power.

"It seems a low-down sort of trick." "He was very sore about it at the time," said Lady Cynthia; "but afterwards he understood that they were heroes, real theatre heroes." "It looks like rain," said Geoffrey, uneasily. So they turned back, talking about London people. The first drops fell as they were passing through the wicket gate; and they entered the house during a roar of thunder.

Here was a benighted being to whom it was to be disclosed in her fifty-seventh year I was to make that out that she had something that might pass for a face. She looked much more than her age, and was fairly frightened as if I had been trying on her some possibly heartless London trick when she had taken in my appeal.

'You should make the three separate motions look like one. Do the trick so. He performed the trick slowly, looking Barter in the face, and then went through it swiftly. 'That is how the thing ought to be done, Mr. Barter, he said, with a placidity which his companion found singularly disquieting.

They could have merely laid it down to trick or deception, just as any of the unscientific persons present could have done, and perhaps did. The miracle was performed in the open. Our Lord must have been on some elevated ground where His voice could have reached some considerable part of the multitude, and on which every act of His could be observed.

He therefore descended to a trick which, whatever may be urged in its defense the proved treachery of Omichand, the customs of the country, the utter want of scruple shown by the natives in their dealings must ever remain a blot on a great man's fame.

There's a sixty-ounce brain inside it a big engine, running smooth, and turning out clean work. Show me the engine-house and I'll tell you the size of the engine. But he is a born charlatan you've heard me tell him so to his face a born charlatan, with a kind of dramatic trick of jumping into the limelight. Things are quiet, so friend Challenger sees a chance to set the public talking about him.

"When the moisture evaporates it will ignite set fire to any dry substance.... That is a trick of the I.W.W. to burn the wheat-fields." "By all that's !" swore Anderson, with his jaw bulging. "Jake an' I knew it meant bad. But we didn't know what." "I've been expecting tricks of all kinds," said Dorn. "I have four men watching the section." "Good!