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The deformation therefore took place about the close of the Paleozoic. It seems to have begun in the Permian, in, eastern Pennsylvania, for here the Permian strata are wanting, and to have continued into the Trias, whose earlier formations are absent over all the area. With this wide uplift the subsidence of the sea floor which had so long been general in eastern North America came to an end.

Does not any such supposition become in the highest degree improbable, when, in the terrestrial or fresh-water Labyrinthodonts, which lived on the land of the Carboniferous epoch, as well as on that of the Trias, we have evidence that one form of terrestrial life persisted, throughout all these ages, with no important modification?

Gumbel has applied the name of Rhaetic. They have also long been known as the Koessen beds in Germany, and may be regarded as beds of passage between the Lias and Trias. They are named the Penarth beds by the Government surveyors of Great Britain, from Penarth, near Cardiff, in Glamorganshire, where they sometimes attain a thickness of fifty feet. Cardium rhaeticum, Merrian. Natural size.

So that, at the present time, the Labyrinthodont Fauna of the Carboniferous rocks is more extensive and diversified than that of the Trias, while its chief types, so far as osteology enables us to judge, are quite as highly organised.

The first column marks the last appearance of several genera which are characteristic of Palaeozoic strata. The second shows those genera which are characteristic of the Upper Trias, either as peculiar to it, or, as in the three cases marked by asterisks, reaching their maximum of development at this era.

Beds of Passage between the Lias and Trias, Rhaetic Beds. Triassic Mammifer. Triple Division of the Trias. Keuper, or Upper Trias of England. Reptiles of the Upper Trias. Foot-prints in the Bunter formation in England. Dolomitic Conglomerate of Bristol. Origin of Red Sandstone and Rock-salt. Precipitation of Salt from inland Lakes and Lagoons. Trias of Germany. Keuper. St.

Moreover, it is well known that, even if certain footprints are to be taken as unquestionable evidence of the existence of birds, they are not known to occur in rocks earlier than the Trias, while indubitable remains of birds are to be met with only much later.

They afford the first positive proof as yet obtained of the co-existence of a varied fauna of the highest class of vertebrata with that ample development of reptile life which marks all the periods from the Trias to the Lower Cretaceous inclusive, and with a gymnospermous flora, or that state of the vegetable kingdom when cycads and conifers predominated over all kinds of plants, except the ferns, so far, at least, as our present imperfect knowledge of fossil botany entitles us to speak.

On April 20, 1899, General Delgado issued an order which tells a significant story of conditions, and of his own weakness in dealing with them. In Luzón General Trias of Cavite accused the soldiers and citizens of his province of committing "robberies, assaults, kidnappings and crimes which are committed only by barbarous and savage tribes."

Below this zone, on the boundary line between the Lias and the strata of which we are about to treat, called "Trias," certain cream-coloured limestones devoid of fossils are usually found. These white beds were called by William Smith the White Lias, and they have been shown by Mr. Charles Moore to belong to a formation similar to one in the Rhaetian Alps of Bavaria, to which Mr.