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As a result of these two practices, Union combat reports throughout the war consistently credited Mosby with from three to five times his actual strength. In time, the entire economy of Mosby's Confederacy came to be geared to Mosby's operations, just as the inhabitants of seventeenth century Tortugas or Port Royal depended for their livelihood on the loot of the buccaneers.

I was making a great deal of money, and would work the boats when I had time. Some one told Butler that I called him names, so he sent for me, and threatened to send me to Tortugas, but I talked him out of that. Some of his officers lost their money against my games and then kicked. The result was, old Ben sent for me again. This time I did not get off so easily.

The Tortugas Returns to Hispaniola Picks up an Indian in a canoe on the way The Indian's report induces a cacique to visit the ships Friendly intercourse with other caciques Farther along the coast, an envoy from the great cacique Guacanagari visits the ships The notary sent to the cacique His large, clean village The Spaniards treated as superior beings Cibao, mistaken for Cipango, heard of The ship of Columbus wrecked Guacanagari's generous behaviour Terror of the Indians at hearing a cannon discharged Delighted with hawks' bells Stores from the wreck saved A fort built with the assistance of the natives, and called La Natividad The cacique's friendship for Columbus Abundance of gold obtained A garrison of thirty men left in the fort, with strict rules for their government Guacanagari sheds tears at parting with the Admiral The Nina sails eastward The Pinta rejoins him Pinzon excuses himself His treachery discovered In consequence of it Columbus resolves to return to Spain Pinzon's ill treatment of the natives Fierce natives met with First native blood shed The Indians notwithstanding visit the ship Columbus steers for Spain Contrary winds A fearful storm The device of Columbus for preserving the knowledge of his discoveries The Azores reached Castaneda, Governor of Saint Mary's Crew perform a pilgrimage to the Virgin's shrine Seized by the Governor Caravel driven out to sea Matters settled with Castaneda Sails Another tempest Nearly lost Enters the Tagus Courteously received by the King of Portugal Reaches Palos 15th of March, 1493 Enthusiastic reception at Palos Pinzon in the Pinta arrives Dies of shame and grief Columbus received with due honour by Ferdinand and Isabella Triumphal entrance into Barcelona His discovery excites the enterprise of the English.

This was done very much as has been described already, in the account of the manner in which she was secured and supported in order to raise the schooner at the Dry Tortugas. An anchor was laid abreast and to windward, and purchases were brought to the masts, as before.

Herold, Atzerodt and Payne were hanged on July 7; O'Laughlin, Spangler, Arnold, and Mudd were sent to the Dry Tortugas, there to be kept at hard labor in the military prison for life, save Spangler, whose term was six years. Mrs. Surratt was also found guilty and condemned to be hanged.

Not being able to effect this purpose, they continued their voyage to the Tortugas islands, and thence to the Caraccas, where they captured three barks, one laden with hides, another with European commodities, and the third with earthenware and brandy. With these prizes they sailed to the island of Roca, where they shared them, and then resolved to separate, though only consisting of sixty men.

The gallantry of privateering was degenerating into the bloody brutality of piracy. "In 1632, a small group of French buccaneer hunters had left St. Kitts and, seeking a base nearer to Hispaniola, had attacked the little island of Tortugas, on which the Spanish had left a garrison of only twenty-five men. Every one of the Spaniards were killed.

Night, coming on, found us inside of Key Biscayne, the beginning of the system of innumerable keys, or small islands, extending from this point to the Tortugas, nearly two hundred miles east and west, at the extremity of the peninsula. Of coral formation, as soon as it is built up to the surface of the water it crumbles under the action of the sea and sun.

"The buccaneers got together and under Willis, an Englishman, reoccupied the island. Although Willis was English, the greater part of the buccaneers with him were French and they gladly accepted a suggestion from the governor-general at St. Kitts to send a governor to Tortugas. In 1641 Governor Poincy succeeded in securing possession of the Isle of Tortugas for the Crown of France.

It must be about four o'clock of a midsummer afternoon and a cloudless sky, except for white streamers over Tinto. Ah, my own kind countryside!" Ringan's face changed. "You are right, my lady. No Tortugas or Spanish isles for Ninian Campbell. Give him the steeps of Glenorchy on an October morn when the deer have begun to bell.