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"You're no fool, my dear, and it goes without saying that you-do realize it in the most innocent way, of course. But you have had no experience in life. Mind you, I don't say that the Vicomte de Toqueville isn't very much of a gentleman, but the French ideas about the relations of young men and young women are quite different and, I regret to say, less innocent than ours.

"Here," said De Toqueville, "is a stone which the feet of a few outcasts pressed for an instant, and the stone became famous. It is treasured by a nation. Its very dust is shared as a relic. And what has become of the gateways of a thousand palaces? Who cares for them?"

At this moment a footman entered, and presented Mrs. Holt with some mail on a silver tray. "The Vicomte de Toqueville is coming this afternoon, Joshua," she announced, reading rapidly from a sheet on which was visible a large crown. "He landed in New York last week, and writes to know if I could have him." "Another of mother's menagerie," remarked Robert.

Holt, at the far end of the room under the lamp, regarded Honora from time to time over the edge of the evening newspaper. In his capacity as a student of American manners, an unsuspected if scattered knowledge on Honora's part of that portion of French literature included between Theophile Gautier and Gyp at once dumfounded and delighted the Vicomte de Toqueville.

For a moment he stood motionless, speechless, staring at her, and then he seemed to sway a little and to choke. "No, no," he cried, "it cannot be! My ears have deceived me. I am not sane. You are going to marry him ? Ah, you have sold yourself." "Monsieur de Toqueville," she said, "you forget yourself. Mr. Spence is an honourable man, and I love him." The Vicomte appeared to choke again.

The money to pay for the statue about $250,000 was raised by popular subscription in France, under the auspices of the Franco-American Union, an association of gentlemen whose membership includes such names as Laboulaye, de Lafayette, de Rochambeau, de Noailles, de Toqueville, de Witt, Martin, de Remusat.

What shall we say of Guizot, Thiers, Augustin Thierry, Toqueville, Mignet, and many more, whose contributions to history have formed an era in the literature of the age?

When, in his book on democracy in America, Toqueville spoke of the general aspiration towards equality he did not realise that the prophesied equality would end in the classification of men founded exclusively on the number of dollars possessed by them. No other exists in the United States, and it will doubtless one day be the same in Europe.

"I merely felt it my duty to drop you a word of warning against Monsieur de Toqueville because he is a Frenchman." "But, Mrs. Holt, I had no idea of of falling in love with him," protested Honora, as soon as she could get her breath. He seemed so kind and so interested in everything. "I dare say," said Mrs. Holt, dryly. "And I have always been led to believe that that is the most dangerous sort.

At this moment a footman entered, and presented Mrs. Holt with some mail on a silver tray. "The Vicomte de Toqueville is coming this afternoon, Joshua," she announced, reading rapidly from a sheet on which was visible a large crown. "He landed in New York last week, and writes to know if I could have him." "Another of mother's menagerie," remarked Robert.