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And he was acutely aware of Mrs. Levitt standing there, detached but waiting. "Was I really all right, Corbett?" He wasn't satisfied with his speech. If only he could remember what he had left out of it. "Absolutely, my dear chap. Absolutely top-hole. You ought to make that boy a soldier."

Elkin's remarkable improvement in health was commented on by Hobbs, and Siddle took the credit. "That last mixture has proved beneficial, then?" he said, eying the horse-dealer closely. "Top-hole," smirked Elkin. "But it's only fair to say that I've chucked whiskey, too." "Did you finish the bottle?" "Which bottle?" "Mine, of course." "Nearly." "Don't take any more. It was decidedly strong.

I said by way of a start. "Top-hole," he replied; "I'm looking forward to some jolly games on 'em." His obvious disregard of perspective annoyed me. In our village, tennis is now played for hygienic reasons only. "I'm afraid we can't offer you much of a game," I said. "You see there's a war on, and but perhaps I can fix up a single for you after tea with old Patterby.

Ledley, and had told the landlord that he was giving up the house. Then he went to Shawyer and asked how a man set about finding a school for two little girls. "A boarding school?" Mr. Shawyer asked, and the Beggar Man said "Yes, and a top-hole one too!

I'll give it at a restaurant, that's all. I can see Murrey's point of view, and sympathise with it, but I'm not going to throw Gorla over." There was another pause of uncomfortably protracted duration. "I say, this is a top-hole omelette," said Ronnie. It was his only contribution to the conversation, but it was a valuable one.

"No," his friend responded; "that would be a blow. And it's going to be a ripping dance. Dick Morriston, who hunts the hounds, is doing the thing top-hole. Now let's see what the worthy and obliging Prior can do for us." The station-master was prepared to do everything in his power, but that did not extend to altering the times of the trains or shortening the mileage they had to travel.

Damn it all, we know that all these O.F.'s who are now fighting in France slacked at work and cribbed; and they weren't all in the Fifteen. And splendid men they are, too. Fernhurst isn't what it was. Last term we had a top-hole set of chaps, and I loved Fernhurst, but I am not going to stick here now. I am going back home till I am eighteen. Then I'll go and fight. This is no place for me."

I stayed round there for a bit, having a talk and a smoke, and we each of us remarked in turn, about every five minutes, what a top-hole thing it was that we had got this ten days' rest. I then went back to our cottage, where I had a meal with the transport officer, conversing the while with Suzette, Berthe and Marthe.

He cranked up the piano once more and I sprinted for the open. I strolled out on to the sands and began to think this thing over. There was no doubt that the brain-work had got to be done by me. Dear old Freddie had his strong qualities. He was top-hole at polo, and in happier days I've heard him give an imitation of cats fighting in a backyard that would have surprised you.

And I'd brandy in my pocket, and couldn't give it to you!" He pulled out his flask. "Have some you'd better." Amaryllis with a little tender wrinkle somewhere in her beauty, laughed in his face. "Do I look," she asked, "as if I needed Dutch courage?" Colour of skin and splendour of eye answered their own question. "You look top-hole," he said. "But you've had a heavy call on your strength."