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I was rigging a kind of derrick to ease my sled up the sharp pitch from the crossing." "I see," said the operator thoughtfully, "and the sled broke through. Lost it and the outfit. But your dogs saved them, didn't you?" "All but two." Tisdale's brows contracted. "They were dragged under the ice before I could cut the traces.

That blackest cloud is lifting over the summit. Rain is streaming from it like a veil of gauze; but the dome still shines through like a transfigured face!" Tisdale's glance rested a moment on the wonder. His face cleared.

It means the heat of the day, but if it seems better than motoring over a country road with a public chauffeur, I would be glad to have you drive for me." "Now I know the meaning of Wenatchee. It's something racy, Mr. Tisdale, and a little wicked, yet with unexpected depths, and just the coolest, limpid hazel-green." Tisdale's pulses quickened; his blood responded to her exhilaration.

She laid her hand on Tisdale's shoulder, the nearest object, in a tightening grip, while for a breathless moment she leaned forward, trying to penetrate the darkness of the gorge. The action seemed to remind him of her presence, and he turned to look at her. "Frightened again?" he asked. Her hand fell; she settled back in her seat. "N-o, not very much, but it took me off guard.

Miss Armitage leaned forward, watching his face, waiting for the issue of the story. "And you found him?" she asked at last. "Yes. In the end." Tisdale's glance returned and, meeting hers, the grim lines in his face relaxed. "But there was a long and rough tramp first.

She looked upon Van Lennop in the light of an exceptional business chance, and with a conceit oddly at variance with her eminently practical nature, she believed she had only to set about exerting herself in earnest to arouse his interest and attach him to herself. Van Lennop found himself still smiling at Essie Tisdale's sallies as he came up the stairs.

Harpe folded the letter and put it away. "Don't I though?" she said grimly. She frowned as Van Lennop's low, amused laugh, mingling with Essie Tisdale's merry trill, reached her through the open window. "The presumptuous little upstart! The biscuit-shooter!" Dr. Harpe's face was not pleasant to see.

He is made of iron, and his principles were cast in the mold." "Every man has his vulnerable point, and I can trust you to find Hollis Tisdale's." The delegate paused an instant, still regarding his wife's face, frowning a little, yet not without humor, then said: "But you have changed your attitude quickly. Where did you learn so much about him?

Loose splinters of granite began to clatter down the slope; then, in the moment she paused to gather her equilibrium, she felt Tisdale's arm reaching around to take the strap. "Creep by me," he said quietly. "No, between me and the bluff, sidewise; there's room." She gained safe ground and stood waiting while he brought the bay across.

He began to fear the effect of Tisdale's astonishing statements on the jury, while at the same time he was impelled to listen. In the moment he hesitated over a question, Hollis lifted his head and said mellowly: "The sins of Congress have not been in commission but in omission.