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The three stood for a little together in an awkwardness to which he was conscious of contributing his share; Kate failing to ask Lord Mark to be seated, but letting him know that he would find Mrs. Lowder, with some others, on the balcony. "Oh and Miss Theale I suppose? as I seemed to hear outside, from below, Mrs. Stringham's unmistakeable voice." "Yes, but Mrs. Stringham's alone.

Kate, for that matter, by herself, could conquer anything, and she, Milly Theale, was probably concerned with the "world" only as the small scrap of it that most impinged on her and that was therefore first to be dealt with.

Densher immediately gave his explanation Miss Theale had gone to prepare to drive on receipt of which the servant effaced himself. "And you're going with her?" Kate asked. "Yes with your approval; which I've taken, as you see, for granted." "Oh," she laughed, "my approval's complete!" She was thoroughly consistent and handsome about it.

"How do you know," said his friend, "what he's like? He's not like any one you've ever seen. He's a great beneficent being." "Ah then he can do without me. I've no call, as an outsider, to meddle." "Tell him, all the same," Mrs. Stringham urged, "what you think." "What I think of Miss Theale?" Densher stared. It was, as they said, a large order. But he found the right note.

Stringham, in a fine cloud of observation and suspicion; she was in the position, as she believed, of knowing much more about Milly Theale than Milly herself knew, and yet of having to darken her knowledge as well as make it active.

But Miss Theale was perhaps at the present juncture a possibility of the same sort as the softened, if not the squared, Aunt Maud. It might be true of her also that if she weren't a bore she'd be a convenience. It rolled over him of a sudden, after he had resumed his walk, that this might easily be what Kate had meant.

Eugenio had of course reflected that a word to Miss Theale from such a pair of lips would cost him his place; but he could also bethink himself that, so long as the word never came and it was, on the basis he had arranged, impossible he enjoyed the imagination of mounting guard.

And they were naturally, of the series, the simpler; as for instance in his taking it from her that Miss Theale then could do nothing for them. He frankly brought out what he had ventured to think possible.

Stringham's nose or with her hope that he would allow to London the honour of discovery. He didn't mean that Miss Theale was funny though she was weird, and this was precisely her magic; but it might very well be that New York, in having her to show, hadn't been aware of its luck.

"Certainly to see her. It's she, really," his companion smiled, "who's in love with you." But it made him a trifle more grave look at her a moment. "Don't make out, you know, that every one's in love with me." She hesitated. "I don't say every one." "You said just now Miss Theale." "I said she liked you yes." "Well, it comes to the same thing."