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He used to have a brace of pistols laid before him on the dinner-table, and when the claret was brought in after dinner which was always in an unbroached cask Bagenal tapped it with a bullet from one pistol, and kept the other in terrorem for any of his guests who should fail to do justice to the liquor.

He did not say that the present case called for large damages; but, if other cases of the same kind should be brought into court after this had been made public, he hoped the jury would go beyond the ordinary limits, and give verdicts which might operate 'in terrorem' on the offending parties. Verdict for the plaintiff damages L36.

Have I lately given you cause to think I deserve to have such a punishment hung in terrorem over me? Besides, threatening me is injudicious, for it rouses a spirit of resistance in me not easy to break down. I take much pains with it, as also with my deportment; they will, I hope, no longer annoy you when next we meet. You must not call Mrs. J my friend, for I do not.

Lies once begun, pile up; and lies require lies to bolster them. Mrs. Tilton had made a written confession to her husband, but this she repudiated in court, declaring it was given "in terrorem." Now she had only words of praise and vindication for Beecher. Mrs. Beecher sat by her husband's side all through the long trial.

Gilpin, in his account of the forest borderers of England, says that "the encroachments of trespassers, and the houses and fences thus raised on the borders of the forest," were "considered as great nuisances by the old forest law, and were severely punished under the name of purprestures, as tending ad terrorem ferarum ad nocumentum forestae, etc.," to the frightening of the game and the detriment of the forest.

Isaac Swayze was a veritable modern counterpart of the client Marcus, and when he gained votes by holding his patrons in terrorem over the heads of the electors, he was merely echoing his ancient prototype: "I wait on Appius Claudius, I waited on his sire; Let him who works the client wrong beware the patron's ire."

Yet not to have the power of holding it up in terrorem, and indeed of protecting myself, and all under my charge, by it, if some extreme case should arise, would be a situation I should not wish to be placed in myself, or to take the responsibility of placing another in.

Nevertheless, it was afterward enforced on several occasions, and, during the whole century of penal laws, it not only remained on the statute-book ad terrorem, but whatever clergyman disregarded it could only expect to be treated with its utmost rigor.

Your throat, you mean,” said Jucundus; “a cautious man! lest you should steal a draught or two of good strong air.” “And lastly,” said he, “I did not bring my pence, and then he tied my hands to a gibbet, and hung me up in terrorem.” “There I came in,” said Arnobius; “he seemed a pretty boy, so I cut him down, paid his æra, and took him home.” “And now he is your pupil?” asked Jucundus.

Here, at last, was the motive of the murder laid bare. The Japanese, by some inscrutable means, became aware that the young baronet possessed these papers, and held them in terrorem over his reputed sister. In the hands of a third person, an outsider, they were endowed with double powers for mischief.