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Esa adoración no nace en el hombre por el hecho de que la mujer tenga menos derechos o esté privada de ellos, nace de que la mujer es mujer, arquetipo de gracia y belleza de la creación y el hombre quemará siempre el incienso de su admiración ante el ara de esas divinidades.

DOÑA MATILDE. A grandes males, grandes remedios ... así ... tenlo por cierto ... si das otro paso hacia la puerta con tan vil propósito, ni una píldora dejo de todo el cuarterón que no me trague. BRUNO. ¡Condenadas boticas! DOÑA MATILDE. Y me verás caer aquí redonda, lo mismo que si me hubieras dado un trabucazo. BRUNO. No haga usted tal ... tenga usted compasión de su pobre padre y de ....

He replied by the term invariably used by the Spaniards when they see doubt or distrust exhibited. "No tenga usted cuidao," I will go myself. Having thus arranged the matter perfectly satisfactorily, as I thought, I partook of a slight supper, and shortly afterwards retired to repose.

For six hundred miles over the border, however, we found both the Russian money and language serviceable among the Tatar merchants, while the tenga, or Kashgar silver-piece, was preferred by the natives even beyond the Gobi, being much handier than the larger or smaller bits of silver broken from the yamba bricks.

"'Tenga," said the woman, with a large fat smile. "Bon di, señora," said I, with a sweep of the hat, and turned off down the path and into the road again. Gad! wasn't I feeling jubilant then?

The hawks and eagles were patrolling the morning air with diligent sweeps. The country-folk were bringing in loads of farm-produce on big brown donkeys and little gray donkeys. These last all gave a courteous "Bon di tenga," and I noticed that most of them stared at me somewhat curiously.

The urchins seeing an end of this rope, hanging from the alforjas, instantly ran to the alcalde to give him information. Late at evening, the alcalde again visited the prisoner at the head of his twelve men as usual. "Buenas noches," said the alcalde. "Buenas noches tenga usted," replied Victoriano. "For what purpose did you send for the soga this afternoon?" demanded the functionary.