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Then Le Père thought awhile, and afterwards, in a low sonorous voice, commenced to recount the story of the founding of the Huron Mission one of the noblest histories in the world, of men who have died for men. As he progressed, Eyelids looked up from his moccasin-game and the little tappings, as of muffled hammers about a coffin, ceased for a spell.

Or that was the impression conveyed to a not unsympathetic hearer by his forlorn efforts to make himself understood, which were like the tappings of the stick of a blind man mystified by his sense of touch at wrong corners. His bewilderment and speechlessness were a comic display, tragic to him. Just as his uncle Everard predicted, he came home from his first voyage a pleasant sailor lad.

The long day dragged on and he got hungry and thirsty. No one came again, evidently one meal was all that he was to have. Presently he decided that it must be past sundown, and he lay down on the blanket, and before he knew it dropped off to sleep. Then out of a sound and dreamless sleep he heard a number of mysterious tappings on the iron shutter that guarded the window.

During each of two pregnancies she was punctured three or four times; one of her children was still living. It has been said that there was a case in Paris of a person who was punctured 300 times for ascites. Scott reports a case of ascites in which 928 pints of water were drawn off in 24 successive tappings, from February, 1777, to May, 1778.

If there be any part of the house, including certain dark corners of the attic, that is fearfully Mesopotamian after nightfall, it is that woodpile. Even when I sit above, secure with lights, if by chance I hear tappings from below such noises are common on a windy night I know that it is the African Magician pounding for the genie, the sound echoing through the hollow earth.

He ran to the window and listened again. Yes, there they were, being repeated in a sort of a staccato yet rhythmic measure. Suddenly it dawned on him what it was. The tappings were dots and dashes of the International Code, and they were spelling out: P-H-I-L- P-H-I-L- P-H-I-L- To return now for a while to the lean-to we shall see what happened when sundown came and no Phil appeared.

The boy's curiosity having been thoroughly aroused, all tendency to slumber upon his part had departed, and he determined that if there was any way by which he could profit any by that wolf, he would do it. "He may hang around here for a day or two," he mused, as he heard the faint tappings upon the sand, "thinking all the time that he'll get a chance to make a meal off of us.

But there was nothing promising about the round mahogany table on which it stood: no drawer, secret or otherwise could all his measurings and tappings discover; the animal, when lifted up by the horn and dangled before the detective's critical eye, proclaimed itself modern and of no artistic merit.

The old man was positive that the lady's lover had been chasing her with a knife; the wound on her face was a proof of it, in his opinion. A series of buzzings, tappings and clinkings came over the wire, with hints of far-distant unintelligible conversation.

Gentle tappings may be tried and testings of resistance to bending at the same, keeping the light at right angles to enable the slightest opening or fracture to show itself and be at once placed under treatment. When every test proves the instrument to be sound and ready for closing up, preparations may be commenced.