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"They like to have their windows open any way," she thought. Paul said very little; he was obviously nervous of how she would take it all. She took it all very well. "What pretty houses!" she said. "And here are the shops!" Only a few a sweet-shop, a grocer's, a stationer's with "Simpson's Library" on the door, a post-office. "The suburbs," said Paul. What a wind!

'A thoroughbred that's wot he is, said Mathews, apparently addressing the distant refugees. "Miss Elise was heer last week and is that sweet grown that all the woonded tommies fit with pillos to see who wud propos to her. There ain't no news. Bertha the skullery maid marrid a hyland soldier and they are going for to keep a sweet-shop after the war.

Mavis glanced round for Merle, hoping her expedition to the sweet-shop would not have made her late, and to her relief saw her sitting on the opposite side of the room, in company with Beata and Romola Castleton, Fay Macleod, and a number of other new girls whose acquaintance she had evidently just made. They were passing round chocolates, and seemingly enjoying themselves.

She was to feel henceforth as if she were flattening her nose upon the hard window-pane of the sweet-shop of knowledge.

But little Publius knew a sweet-shop, and a trick worth two of that. And they would walk home across the Park, James' figure, with high shoulders and absorbed and worried face, exercising its tall, lean protectorship, pathetically unregarded, over the robust child-figures of Imogen and little Publius. But those Gardens and that Park were not sacred to James.

Alter the circumstance as much as you please! point to strange adventures, successes, failures! life is like a sweet-shop, where there is a great variety of things, odd in shape and diverse in color one and all made from the same paste. And when men speak of some one's success, the lot of the man who has failed is not so very different as it seems.

I daresay she will, my Father then said, 'but you must guess who she is. I guessed one or two of the less comely of the female 'saints', and, this embarrassing my Father, since the second I mentioned was a married woman who kept a sweet-shop in the village, he cut my inquiries short by saying, 'It is Miss Brightwen. So far so good, and I was well pleased.

"Well, it was like this," said the little priest, speaking in the same unaffected way. "I went back to that sweet-shop and asked if I'd left a parcel, and gave them a particular address if it turned up. Well, I knew I hadn't; but when I went away again I did. So, instead of running after me with that valuable parcel, they have sent it flying to a friend of mine in Westminster."

Many such hints have I heard, for the 'White Lion' was next door to the sweet-shop, and in summer, refreshment of a sober kind, with conversation to match, was apt to be enjoyed on the benches outside. The good wives of the neighbourhood used no such euphuisms as their more prudent husbands, when they spoke of Crayshaw's.

Winneren, hosier and outfitter, young Robert Trefusis, farmer, Miss Bessie Waddell from the sweet-shop!... These others fade away as the sun rises the grey mists pass with them. The sun is about to leap above the rim of the sea. Peter turns and crushes the poor dairymaid in his arms and stifles the little scream with the first kiss of his life.