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No favours to anybody; no use of the news-columns for revenge or exploitation. The only questions a news-item need raise in your mind are: Is it true? Is it interesting? Is it printable in a newspaper that will publish anything which a healthy-minded grown-person wishes to read?" "Is that 'straight'?" asked Cumnock. "No favourites? No suppressions? No exploitations?"

Up to this time we had very few members in Kentucky and had anticipated in this Southern State, part of President Wilson ,'s stronghold, that our Committee would meet with no enthusiasm and possibly with warm hostility. I had related briefly the incidents leading up to the picketing and the Government's suppressions.

I followed her hastily, and remonstrated upon this conduct, by pointing her attention to the obvious truth that these mysterious suppressions and insinuations, which left all shadowy and indistinct, were far more alarming than the most definite denunciations. Her answer yet rings in my ear: 'Why should I make myself odious to you and to your innocent wife?

Blotting these out came another picture, a swathed head, quiet upon a pillow. In that moment Hal knew that he was forever done with suppressions and evasions. Nevertheless, he intended to be as fair to Esmé as he would have been to any other person under attack. "You're sure of the facts?" he asked Wayne. "Certain." "How long has she owned it?" "Oh, years.

Similarly, in order to put an end to the opposition of the city authorities, which had good ground to complain of the suppressions of houses that were doing so much in the cause of charity and education, large grants were made to the corporations of Dublin, Waterford, Limerick, Clonmel, etc.

On one side were all the forces of intellect; on the other was all the mass of entrenched and powerful dullness. In reply to the brisk fire of the Philosophes argument, derision, learning, wit the authorities in State and Church opposed the more serious artillery of censorships, suppressions, imprisonments, and exiles.

This was an action which rendered the great war inevitable." So say the German authorities. Professor von Mach in his Off. Dip. This is the Potsdam contention in regard to the cause of the war. The documents indicate that it is a false contention, based upon suppressions of the truth. This is what I intend to show. I hold no brief for the late Imperial Russian Government.

The South Carolina Exposition was found among his papers in his own handwriting, and it was adopted by the Legislature with only a few alterations and suppressions. There never was a piece of mischief more completely the work of one man than the nullification troubles of 1833-34. The South Carolina Exposition, when Mr.

They are somewhat styptic, and bitterish; and hence my be of some service in debility and laxity of the viscera, and immoderate secretions, or a suppression of the natural evacuations depending thereon: they are recommended in haemorrhages and fluxes; and likewise as aperients, in suppressions of urine, obstructions of the viscera, in the jaundice, &c.

Nor is this all; for since these blocks, or words, are the acknowledged currency of our daily affairs, there are here possible none of those suppressions by which other arts obtain relief, continuity and vigour; no hieroglyphic touch, no smoothed impasto, no inscrutable shadow, as in painting; no blank wall, as in architecture; but every word, phrase, sentence, and paragraph must move in a logical progression, and convey a definite conventional import.