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The regular made-up roads, with the forest cut back beyond the ditches at the sides, were a great weariness to Hughie, except indeed, in the springtime, when these ditches were running full with sun-lit water, over the mottled clay bottom and gravelly ripples.

"Mr. Swift! Where's Mr. Swift?" shouted the wireless operator. "Where are you?" "Yes; what is it?" demanded Tom, so excited that he hardly knew what he was doing. "The longest shot on record!" cried the man. "Thirty-three miles, and it struck, exploded, and blew the top off a mountain on an island out there!" and he pointed across the sun-lit sea.

And the eyes of the betrayer flashed with a new light. "Miriam is as beautiful as a houri, as fair as the light of a sun-lit day after a black night of tempest, and as sweet in disposition as Rachel, the favoured of our father Jacob."

Thus it came about that on a brilliant sun-lit day last June twoscore men sat round a long table in a stately room of a palace that overlooked the Seine, in Paris. Eminent lawmakers Hughes, of Australia, among them were there aplenty; but few practical business men.

She had raised her hand to her hair, and was standing in a very pretty, indifferent attitude. Tomaso held his lower lip between his teeth as he looked at her. "I don't know what I shall do with it," he answered, and, turning, he walked hurriedly down the sun-lit road.

And that beauty of the sun-lit sky and of the billowy ice-field and of the colours of the lake below and of the luminous haze and the deep blue shade in the valley how is that related to the beauty of the flowers? Truly enough, it is not a beauty called forth by natural selection. It is primordial; it is the beauty of great light itself.

They were translated into the realm whence He came forth. The stupendous fact if fact? glowed like a sun-lit prism and awoke an ardent longing that it might be so. Ah, to escape the limits of this petty life! How mean and small it seemed. Man at his best, his grandest, but to live out a brief day, and then go out into the uncertain darkness forever!

An' they are wed, boy, up in the sun-lit deep o' heaven. So the seed o' life is chosen, me fine lad." They sat a little time in silence, looking at the shores of the pond. "Have ye never felt the love passion?" said Darrel. "Well, there's a girl of the name of Polly," Trove answered. "Ah, Polly! she o' the red lip an' the dark eye," said Darrel, smiling. "She's one of a thousand."

Nature, not being mortal and cursed with a conscience, had risen that morning in a mood for carousal; at this hour of noon she had reached the point of ecstatic stupor. No state of trance was ever so exquisite. The air was swooning, but how delicate its gasps, as if it fell away into calm! How adorably blue the sky in its debauch of sun-lit ether!

Further away sounded the singing; one or another of the banners still gleamed red out of the new town's smoke-blackened void; then they disappeared in the sun-lit plain. There should have been roses Of the large, pale yellow ones.