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In instances where the results of this operation have been carefully noted, and the operation is rarely resorted to in this country, in comparison with the custom in France and other continental countries, the quality of the milk has been greatly improved, the yield becoming regular for some years, and varying only in accordance with the difference in the succulence of the food.

It is an unassuming window, filled with canned goods and breakfast foods, wrinkled prunes devoid of succulence, and boxes of starch and candles. Its only ornament is the cat, and his beauty is more apparent to the artist than to the fancier. His splendid stripes, black and grey and tawny, are too wide for noble lineage.

A man shall be possessed of florid, youthful blooming health till, it matters not what age thirty; forty; fifty then comes some nipping frost, some period of agony, that robs the fibres of the body of their succulence, and the hale and hearty man is counted among the old. He came down and breakfasted alone; Mrs.

BEEF BOUILLI. A term given to boiled beef, which, according to the French fashion, is simmered over a slow fire, for the purpose of extracting a rich soup, while at the same time the meat makes its appearance at table, in possession of a full portion of nutricious succulence.

Murch's finger was not in, it was, if not proof positive, strong circumstantial evidence that the pie was of a most inferior order of succulence; and Mr. Murch was a fairly good judge, being himself chairman of the finance committee of the United States Pie Company.

The new order delighted James, who felt young again, and his hastily improvised suppers were models of unpretentious succulence. When, almost with tears, he informed his mistress' husband that the last bottle had been served Mortimer could do no less than order up a case.

That man who having fasted for a full month takes a single meal on the first day of the following month and bears himself in this way for a full year, looking on all things with an equal eye attains to the regions of Brahman himself. There he subsists upon the succulence of ambrosia.

It does not force great flaunting leaves into breadth and succulence, but it matures whole harvests of plenty! There is a deep and earnest soul pervading the reply of Madge that makes it sacred; it is full of delicacy, and full of hope. Yet it is not final. Her heart lies intrenched within the ramparts of Duty and of Devotion.

Nobody can forbid you that." "My teacher is coming," Cornelli now exclaimed, "and I have to go." "Yes, child, but do keep up your spirits. There are lots of pleasant things still left for you to enjoy. Just wait till you taste the strawberry tarts I am going to make to-day." With these words Esther smacked her lips to express the great succulence of the promised dish.

"Thus far mountain-ash: beyond Seckel pear;" and if, in October, you will walk in the garden again with me, I will show you among the scarlet berries, bending heavily toward you, the clustered succulence of the Seckel. A seedsman may cheat you, but a seed never does. If you plant corn, it never comes up potatoes. If you sow wheat, it never comes up rye.