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If it is possible, establish that fact. In any event, go into his history as deeply as you can." "Very well," said Fuller, with the easy manner of a person accustomed to carrying out difficult orders. As the young man went out at one door, Stumph knocked upon another; then Miss Edyth Vale, very pale, but entirely composed, was shown into the room.

"And further," smiled the investigator, "I recall that I expressed great admiration for Marryat's conception of a homicide in the matter of Smallbones and the hag. The weapon used by Smallbones, it turns out, was identical in character to the one used by Sagon." "A bayonet," cried Pendleton. "By George! So it was." Just then Stumph announced Allan Morris.

"Are you sure that he said three?" asked Pendleton. "About three, sir," replied the man. "Oh! I suppose he's been detained then. That will be all, Stumph!" When the man disappeared, Pendleton lighted a cigar and resumed his reading. The Hume case was still holding its place as the news feature of the day.

Success sometimes comes easily sometimes one is forced to fight hard for it. But rest assured that I will do what I can." She was going; he held the library door open for her while the grave-faced Stumph waited in the hall. "It will, perhaps, be necessary for me to see Mr. Morris sometime during the course of the day," said Ashton-Kirk, as an afterthought.

And when we see that gentleman we shall be looking upon one in the confidence of Allan Morris." There was a long pause on the part of Pendleton. Ashton-Kirk rang for Stumph and directed him to turn the water into his bath, and get him out some fresh linen. It was after the man had gone that Pendleton spoke.

Some of them have made a sad mess of it. However, the evening papers will have a coherent account, I suppose." "If you think I am going to wait until the evening papers are issued to get to the bottom of this thing, you're much mistaken," declared Pendleton. "I demand a full and detailed explanation immediately." Here a tap came upon the door; Stumph entered and handed Ashton-Kirk a card.

"The Star man seems to have struck up an acquaintance with Sams," said Ashton-Kirk, with interest. He thought for a moment, and then added to Fuller: "Tell Stumph when Miss Edyth Vale arrives to show her here at once." "Oh, you have been expecting her then?" "No: I have not. But I am now." After Fuller left the room, the investigator turned eagerly to the Star's leaded narrative.