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Margaret Sanger and the actual initiative of Dr. Marie Stopes. Thus it is essential that the eugenist, dealing with the hereditary factor of life, and the social reformer or socialist, dealing with the environmental factor, should supplement each other's work.

Frequently she had to stop and let the tiny flame renew its hold on the base of supplies. So, without his knowing it, she fell behind gradually, and his explanations of stopes, drifts, air-drills, and pay-streaks fell only upon the already enlightened ears of Mrs. Collins.

Stopes herself discovered the documents which disprove her theory. Stopes, with her tireless industry, found in the Wheler manuscripts, among papers of the Rev. Joseph Greene, in 1746 Head Master of the Grammar School. In one paper of September 1740 "the original monument" is said to be "much impaired and decayed." There was a scheme for making "a new monument" in Westminster Abbey.

Robert Fairchild hastily made his toilet, then answered the ringing of the dinner bell, to be introduced to strong-shouldered men who gathered about the long tables; Cornishmen, who talked an "h-less" language, ruddy-faced Americans, and a sprinkling of English, all of whom conversed about things which were to Fairchild as so much Greek, of "levels" and "stopes" and "winzes", of "skips" and "manways" and "raises", which meant nothing to the man who yet must master them all, if he were to follow his ambition.

Compressed air for the storage of power has hitherto been best appreciated in mining operations, one of the main reasons for this being that the liberated air itself apart from the power which it conveyed and stored has been so great a boon to the miner working in ill-ventilated stopes and drives.

So, long ago, working secretly and overtime in the Mont d'Or, he hollowed out a small chamber. It is above one of the unworked stopes and its entrance defies detection." "But are you sure?" she interjected earnestly. "Have you seen it yourself?" "Yes, I was with José the first time Gallito showed it to him.

He was what they had been before drink and bad air had sapped the first freshness of their strength, or dust and hot stopes had broken their wind, or accidents had crippled them up he was a miner, young and hardy, putting his body behind each blow yet striking like a tireless automaton.

For three hours we wandered up and down and in and out of huge unseen caves, now and then crawling up or down three or four hundred foot "stopes" on hands and knees, by ladders, stone steps, or toe-holes in the rock.

To do this we must get below the immediate surface, and take as our guide the gold occurring in the solid undecomposed quartz, and not the loose grains contained in the fissures and cavities. A, Levels. B, Rise, down which the ore is thrown. D, Stopes. C, Stopes refilled with clay and barren rock.

This is what we preeminently get out of our club life, and without paying so fearful a price for it. I hope to see you all when you come together in the autumn. With loving remembrance, J.C. CROLY. Letters to Mrs. 11 BARTON STREET, WEST KENSINGTON, Jan. 15, 1889. My Dear Mrs. Stopes: It is very kind of you to take this trouble to give us a pleasure, and I would not miss it on any account.