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"And yet each half-drachm contained the half-digested substance of a pound of beef. I'm surprised at Spondee!" continued Mr. Rightbody aggrievedly. "Exhausting his brain and nerve force by the highest creative efforts of the Muse, he prefers perfumed and diluted alcohol flavored with carbonic acid gas. Even Mrs.

They were for the most part the beginning of some word which reminded him of a thing he cared to remember. First he had, in sport, named some of them after the metrical feet of Latin verse, which had been but ill friends of his in his school days, and in his kennel there was a Troch, Iamb, Spond and Dact, whose full names were Trochee, Iambus, Spondee and Dactyl.

Now the medium of these is about fourteen syllables, because the dactyl is a more frequent foot in hexameters than the spondee. According to the falsity of the proposition was the success. His verses have nothing of verse in them, but only the worst part of it the rhyme; and that, into the bargain, is far from good.

NIL QUICQUAM: see n. on 21 quemquam senem, cf. the common expression nemo homo, 84 nemo vir, etc. where two substantival words are placed side by side. VITI: see n. on 1, l 3 praemi Viti here = mali; cf. Ter. Andr. 73 ei vereor ne quid Andria adportet mali. SAT EST: sat for satis in Cicero's time was old-fashioned and poetical. QUOD DIU: these words must be scanned as a spondee.

Up stood the blithe creature how neatly breeched, indeed, a heavenly forked radish and those shining riding boots! She stood there a moment and Spondee was convinced. DOROTHY GISH, said he to Dactyl. Miss Gish and her escort darted into the house, the camera man reeling busily. At an upper window of the dwelling a white-haired lady was looking out, between lace curtains, with a sort of horror.