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In your capacity of poeta sovrano, you must, as Dante says of Homer, pass on your way quietly and undisturbedly, si come sire. All this dirt does not touch you. Write your "Nibelungen," and be content to live on as an immortal! Later on I shall ask Klindworth to let me see the pianoforte arrangement of the first act of the "Valkyrie." How about that of the "Rhinegold?" Has H. kept it?

Did I place dependence only on the aid of my poor learning, I should now be dumb, but there is a strength within that gives me courage to speak to the first and noblest in Venice in behalf of my child!" "Thou canst not impeach the senate's justice, old man, or utter aught in truth against the known impartiality of the laws?" "Sovrano mio! deign to listen, and you shall hear.

Adjacent to the men's public urinal they perceived an icecream car round which a group of presumably Italians in heated altercation were getting rid of voluble expressions in their vivacious language in a particularly animated way, there being some little differences between the parties. Puttana madonna, che ci dia i quattrini! Ho ragione? Culo rotto! Intendiamoci. Mezzo sovrano piu...

You never lose anything by being liberal in politeness; and England is too polished a country to be outdone in these things by even the Italians, the parents of modern civilization." "You are happy in having such a sovrano, and still more so in being allowed to approach his sacred person." "Oh! as to the last, the navy is his pet; he considers us captains in particular as his children.

"Every one of them, Signore: this is Daniele Bruno, whose father was killed in a battle with the Algerines, and whose mother was the daughter of a mariner, as well known in Elba as " "Never mind the particulars, Tommaso Tonti," interrupted the vice-governatore "it is sufficient that thou knowest all thy companions to be honest men, and faithful servants of the sovrano.

A me mi pare un poeta sovrano, Tanto gli è sperto nella poesia. While I am writing thus about the production and dissemination of these love-songs, I cannot help remembering three days and nights which I once spent at sea between Genoa and Palermo, in the company of some conscripts who were going to join their regiment in Sicily.

He taught her to falter endearments in his own tongue: he was carino, caro amico, anima mia, sovrano del mio cuor, and many other things yet more intimate. In return he gave her a homage which was not without a certain depth because it was done with foresight. He taught her to be his slave by professing himself hers, and so touching her generosity as well as her humility.

The earlier frescoes of Fra Angelico, on the roof, depict Christ as Judge. But there is nothing in common with these works and Signorelli's. He bases it upon the Dantesque subjects illustrated, and quotes from the "Inferno": "Omero poeta sovrano; L' altro è Orazio satiro che viene, Ovidio è il terzo, e l' ultimo Lucano."