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I never saw any one get so pink about the eyes and nose at the smallest sign of weeping, and yet she is always doing it. "Really, Virginia," she broke out in a whimper, "it is not kind to say, I suppose, but I would just as soon you hadn't come! Just when I was learning to expand my individuality and then you come and somehow make it seem so much more difficult!" I rose.

The smallest reflection convinces him that there is no wicked man who is not ashamed of his own conduct who is truly contented with himself who does not envy the condition of the good man who is not obliged to acknowledge that he has paid very dearly for those advantages he is never able to enjoy, without experiencing the most troublesome sensations, without making the most bitter reproaches against himself; then he feels ashamed, despises himself, hates himself, his conscience becomes alarmed, remorse follows in it train.

Not even the smallest affair was settled without their intervention, on account of the duties demanded by the Republic.

Not even the smallest affair was settled without their intervention, on account of the duties demanded by the Republic.

Cecilia, pointing to her unfortunate friend, who had not fallen into a fainting fit, but merely from weakness and terror, accepted his help in raising her. She was lifted up, however, without the smallest effort on her own part, and was only kept upon her seat by being held there by the stranger, for Cecilia, whose whole frame was shaking, tried in vain to sustain her.

The intense heat had abated, a delicious breeze was blowing, and the sky was of a cloudless blue. To the left could be distinguished even the smallest clumps of pines, among the blood-colored ravines of the rocks of the Seille, while to the right, beyond the hills of Sainte-Marthe, the valley of the Viorne stretched away in the golden dust of the setting sun.

None of the gentlemen whose lectures he has attended during the week has the smallest right to tell him where he shall worship, or to punish him for gambling in hells, or tippling in cider cellars.

The commanding officer of Fort Scott was directed to start three troops of cavalry and two companies of infantry at once, with instructions to join Colonel Winthrop's column at the Niobrara crossing, and, his own troop being now the smallest at the post, owing to these details at the agency, Devers very properly decided on sending everybody else's.

But not one of them seemed to possess the smallest spark of gratitude in his composition.

So unfortunate that he is so difficile. By the way, he is hand and glove with the new assistant. Were you aware of that?" "I knew that he came to tea here yesterday," said Olga. "Oh! And how did you find that out?" "He told me." "You mean you asked him!" "Indeed, I didn't!" Olga refuted the charge with indignation. "I don't take the smallest interest in his doings." "Not really?"